Return To The Old Setup??

Is there a way I can go back to the old site set up? This is all a huge mess and it is heavily affecting my ability to run my classes.

4 replies

    • Audrey_Campbell.1
    • 2 wk ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi  -

    The new version that you're seeing is laying the groundwork for other improvements already in motion, which means it is, indeed, the current workflow. I'm told by our Product Team that there isn't an option to opt back to the previous setup.

    That said, if you feel like something really isn't working the way that it should, I strongly encourage you to explore our Help Center or directly email tiisupport@turnitin.com and share screenshots of the issues as soon as possible so that we can support your ability to run your classes effectively.

    I hope this helps-



      • Catherine_Garner_Green_V
      • 2 wk ago
      • Reported - view

       To start, the clock for setting up assignments is suddenly a 24 hour clock? (yes, I know most of the world uses that, but why are these things changing during the school year?) 

      • Audrey_Campbell.1
      • 2 wk ago
      • Reported - view


      I hear you! Changes during the school year are not ideal, as we know many teachers in North America are preparing for finals and the end of their semester.

      Our Product Team is doing their best to roll smaller changes out slowly across several months, to prevent wider disruptions to teacher workflows. As we look to support our global educator community, the staggered rollout and the 24-hour clock both serve to address different regions' needs.

      That said, we apologize that this is causing you frustration. Please don't hesitate to reach out to support directly if there is a way our team can help on a more personalized level.



      • Catherine_Garner_Green_V
      • 2 wk ago
      • Reported - view

       Also, the sort button above students' names doesn't seem to work in any type of coherent way. It doesn't sort by last name or first name.

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