Archive old rubrics?

I know this has been an issue for several years, but I really want to push TII to allow instructors to archive old rubrics like we can QuickMarks.  Of the 84 rubrics in my district's list, only about 20 are actively used.  The rest are defunct.  I understand not deleting them altogether since they are still attached to assignments in the database, but can we not at least hide defunct rubrics?  

Honestly, I avoid using the rubric function if I can because I don't want to add to the chaos and mess that is our rubric library.  Education is organic - it changes, so rubrics and assignments change.  

Please Turnitin, get with the program, and give us a way to archive or hide defunct rubrics and make your system USABLE.

9 replies

    • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
    • Gill_Rowell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Wendy Arch I completely understand your frustration and have passed your feedback on to our Product Managers.

    • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
    • Gill_Rowell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Wendy Arch I have just been updated by our Feedback Studio Product Manager who tells me that whilst we won't be making any changes to rubric and QM management today, we will be making updates to both when we start to introduce the new essay experience.

    • David_Maher
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I came here for this issue. The rubric management is unusable.  The creation and editing is pretty terrible but I can understand why that would take a serious recode, but just the ability to archive old ones or even a easier way to find the one you are looking for. It is a terrible experience

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 2 yrs ago
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      David Maher I can assure you that this is something we will be looking at as part of our modernisation of Feedback Studio.

      • Roberto_Meroni
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Gill Rowell is there a reliable roadmap for this modernisation? 

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Roberto Meroni Unfortunately we don't currently have a roadmap for the modernisation work as it is a long term project for us.

      • Roberto_Meroni
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Gill Rowell thanks for the reply.  I must say that the experience with the backend manager (no integration with LMS) is quite poor and not up to the expectations. Not having a roadmap for a "long-term project" is not reassuring. If I understand things correctly you have no plan to invest resources for improving the user experience/functionalities of the current release and you are pushing the efforts on the "new essay experience" for which there is no timeline. In a nutshell: things will not change for an indefinite period of time. 

    • Wendy_Arch
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Time for my yearly post pleading for the ability to archive or delete old rubrics.  The new inactive "delete rubric" feature makes this issue even more frustrating.  How long can TurnItIn refuse to look at community feedback and "pass on frustrations to [their] Product Managers"?  Do these people even exist?  They certainly don't seem to have been managing the rubric products for the last few years given that the number of comments pleading for the ability to archive or delete rubrics has only grown.

    An update was supposed to come in 2022, but 2022 is now 2/3rds gone and TurnItIn's Product Managers have presented no workable updates.  I seriously questioned whether my district even needed to keep paying for TurnItIn at all since there are other plagiarism detectors available.  This "product" seems like a useless waste of department money when it is not functional.

    Gill Rowell -- Can we expect any movement on the archival or deletion of old rubrics or will this be another year of "we hear your frustrations, but don't plan to do anything"?

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Wendy Arch I feel your pain, and thank you for your reminders. This issue is still top of mind for me too! I will talk to our Product Manager about this and get a response for you. Many thanks for your patience and persistence!

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