Some Quick Marks not loading
My Turnitin QuickMarks are not consistently loading. This happens from time to time, and today I've just had enough! Please see this video for a demonstration of the problem: https://hcc.…
Paper permanent deletion.
I was doing the checking of my paper on different time of working to see the progress, however at some point I found that the similarity is 100 percent to the papers i submitted wrongly to my…
- Answered
A refresher on AI detection
There is a lot of noise that often leads us to forget some essentials that would help make our life as educators so much easier. If you're grappling with what the AI writing score might mean for your…
Quickmarks disappearing
Has anyone using BB Ultra LTi 1.3 integration experienced tutors complaining of Quickmarks disappearing? If so, any clue as to what the problem might be?
Turnitin in a discussion board in Canvas LMS?
Are there any updates to integrating Turnitin in a discussion board in our Canvas LMS?
Will QuickMarks ever be fixed?
I have seen issues reported with QuickMarks dating back more than a year. Has there been any actual progress in fixing the issue? They save so much time for addressing common mistakes when providing…
Upgrading your experience from Moodle V2 to LTI 1.3
Have questions about upgrading from Moodle V2 to LTI 1.3? Ask our team of moderators here or share best practices with other institutions. Feel free to check out our FAQ resource here, as well.
Eficaz Mente Asesorías
Se presenta este trabajo de grado de Especialización en Auditoría en Salud, creación de empresa
Paraphrasing, literacy skill extraordinaire!
People sometimes underestimate the power of paraphrasing as a literacy skill. If not done well or cited correctly, it can look remarkably like academic misconduct.…
The Turnitin Partner Program: Where innovation meets integrity
At Turnitin, our mission extends beyond providing advanced tools for academic integrity and assessment. Through our robust Partner Program, we collaborate with over 200 edtech partners across more…
Issue regarding turnitin
I am getting this error. Your account has reached its limit for Originality Reports. Originality Check is now read-only: you will still be able to submit, but no reports will be generated.…
- Answered
Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan
I submit my research paper to a journal. but the editor replied that there is a similarity index of 75 %. In where he claims Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan 74 % similarity.…
- Answered
Create a Class
If I create a test class under my instructor account then will administrators get notified and see details?
Does Turnitin detect AI writing? Debunking common myths and misconceptions
Not a day goes by, or even an hour in some cases, when the terms “AI writing” or “generative AI” aren’t mentioned—in the media, on social media platforms, in meetings, or even in our personal lives.…
Elementos esenciales para la gestión de las herramientas Turnitin: cierre y balance anual
Tue Dec 3 at 10 AM - 11 AM ESThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RAC0PtZlRCqQ44VGJQodMw#/registration -
Fostering Equity: Empowering Student Writers with Turnitin's Draft Coach
Wed Dec 11 at 4 PM - 5 PM ESThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_4KQrTbhkS0CsUZUxqTB8qA#/registration -
Fostering Equity: Empowering Student Writers with Turnitin's Draft Coach
Wed Dec 4 at 7 PM - 8 PM ESThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NG1ibJjzSueE_TE574A3VQ#/registration -
Ein Überblick über iThenticate 2.0
Thu Nov 28 at 11 AM - 12 PM ESThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GaPEg1Q6Sta2LUMUEm197Q#/registration -
Il nuovo rapporto di somiglianza
Wed Nov 27 at 9 AM - 10 AM ESThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bJoFQ7coS72JIFTx5Vuqdg#/registration