Did you know about these PDF report applications?

Hi there! We recently mentioned the PDF and its major perks. Now, it’s about the right time to brainstorm more use cases for it. Apart from being good evidence for the grades, the PDF report is quite applicable in these situations:


Self-paced education:

Upon submission of the final draft, students may be asked to reflect on their results and create a checklist of things to be polished. For that, you may make the most of Turnitin’s classroom templates: Post- Assignment Student Questionnaire or the Where Did I Go Wrong? Student Self-Assessment Tool.


Offline assessments:

Teaching remotely, you may not always have a stable internet connection or there might be days when you need to do some offline work. PDF reports come in handy for offline assessment as well. They contain paper metadata (paper title, submission date, student name, etc.), including word count and all the exclusions you’ve made.


Mid-point check-ins:

To minimize student stress and help them manage their time, you may sometimes divide a writing assignment into several stages. Download PDF reports for each draft submission made and keep them till a later time to compare and discuss the progress made by the student.


Peer review assignments:

Have students analyze PDF reports of their peers and suggest improvements, giving reasons for their suggestions.


So, how do you find this list of possible PDF report uses? Is it useful in your teaching work? What information do you think the PDF report should contain to better support the learning/teaching process? Please share your thoughts in the comments.🙏🙌 Your feedback will inform the next product upgrades! 🥳



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