Letter Grades on TurnItIn


We are moving over to GPA using letter grades from a grade average system using a percentage.  Most staff use TurnItIn through the integration on Moodle.  After testing various scenarios I have several questions.

  1. Is it right that letter grades are not available as an option via the Moodle integration, but are available on the TurnItIn Website?  Can this option be made available on Moodle?
  2. Testing the letter grade system on the TurnItIn website, I see that students still see the number grades and not the letter grade. Is there any way around this apart from manually writing the letter grade in the feedback box and then deleting the number grade before students receive their work back?
  3. Can grades and comments be downloaded as a CVS or Excel file?  I was looking for this option but can't find it.


2 replies

    • Senior Manager, Customer Onboarding APAC
    • Michael_Ryan
    • 1 mth ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi Damaris,

    Turnitin's grading tools only allow numerical values within Turnitin's own rubrics and the final grade value field when looking at the individual submission.

    The numerical value in the final grade field can be converted to a letter grade once it has passed over to Moodle - I found this article on the Moodle website which I hope helps. This is a similar process to converting numbers to letters in Turnitin's website version.

    Students will continue to see the numerical value when looking at their submission in Turnitin. If you add the letter grade in the feedback box and then delete the numerical value, be wary that this will likely overwrite the grade being passed back to Moodle as 0, and the 0 would convert to a letter grade in Moodle (I'm guessing 0 is a fail, so we don't want that!) Instead, I would advise that you inform students about how numerical values convert to letter grades so that the process is transparent, and they understand the reason for the letter grade that they have been given in Moodle.

    Comments cannot be downloaded as a CSV file.
    Grades can be downloaded as a CSV. If using Moodle, it will depend on the Moodle integration type that your institution uses. If using LTI1.3, you'll be able to download grades from the assignment inbox or via the Analytics tab.
    If viewing from the Turnitin website, grades can be downloaded by accessing the assignment inbox, then select "Grade Report" via the Download All button, or exported from the Gradebook.

    I hope that helps!

      • Damaris_Daphne_Ellis_Car
      • 1 mth ago
      • Reported - view

       many thanks for the advice.

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