Paper view requests - how do they work with LMS (Moodle)
I'm wondering how Tii identifies who to send the Paper view requests emails to. The instructors in the course, is rather straight forward. However, professional staff that help administer Moodle (called TELT Admins) sometimes receive these requests - and other times don't. Also, sometimes 1 of the 3 TELT Admins within a School receives the notification and the other 2 don't. They aren't added to the module as an Instructor - rather they have admin access across all sites. Does the TELT Admin have to have selected the Tii link in the module or something to become assigned to it in some way?
Thanks in advance.
1 reply
Natalie Gelche Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I needed to check this out with our Support team. I believe that the first instructor who interacts with the assignment receives the paper view request. Although there seems to be some ambiguity over the different roles. I think it might be best for you to submit a Support ticket by emailing then they can investigate in more detail.