Sailing through the day

Watching my child take sailing lessons this summer brought it’s fair share of frightening moments and near misses.
On this particularly windy day, she set her sails and her course, for the beach where they were to finish up their lesson. But, a sudden strong gust increased the speed of her small boat to a pace that guaranteed a smashing arrival on the very beach I was anxiously watching from.
The worrying frown across my brow increased to new depths.
Then, suddenly as the wind had picked up, I watched my child deftly drop the sail a bit, and smoothly maneuver the little boat towards a small, open stretch of water between the shore and the dock. The boat slowed down and she was able to safely bring it ashore.
This ability to change directions quickly and easily was something she knew how to do. This brought to mind and article I recently read in an ASCD post and I thought: As educators, I wonder how do we learn to do the same? How do we learn to steer our boat (lesson) to a successful end when it looks like a crash is inevitable? Meredith Wendel takes an insightful look into this in her article, Reaching Your Destination with Midcourse Corrections: