Similarity rate differs!

Hello folks,

I trust this message finds you well. I'm using Turnit in. I have a weird thing that appeared when I tried to perform a similarity report. The rate on the Similarity tab is 11 and when I hit the rate to see the full report, the rate is 3. Does anyone face the same situation? I would appreciate any help?

2 replies

    • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
    • Gill_Rowell
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Karrar  There is an explanation for this!

    So, the Sources Overview (your 3%) % shows the percentage of the paper against the strongest match. If multiple sources overlap for the same match it shows the highest one. It will add up to the Overall Similarity. All Sources (your 11%) straight-up shows the % of the paper that matches against the source. So if I match against Wikipedia and a blog with the same paragraph of text, 100 words were matched on Wikipedia but only 93 words were matched on the blog for the same text Wikipedia would be shown in Sources overview. We then look at how much of the paper is comprised of that source. All sources includes overlapping sources. So, where we ignored the blog previously it will be included in that stat. This can make the All Sources higher than the Sources Overview as it is a direct comparison of % of the paper that is comprised of the source.

      • Karrar
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Gill Rowell Thank you!

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