Impact of (manual) student unenrollment/re-enrollment, deactivation/re-activation on Turnitin

Can you clarify something about unenrolled/deactivated students in the 1.1 to 1.3 FAQ?

We have observed that currently on 1.1, using the v2 integration, students who have been manually unenrolled from a course on Brightspace, and/or deactivated on Brightspace can simply be re-activated, re-enrolled, and their past Turnitin assignment ratings and instructor comments re-appear in Brightspace. Also, regardless of unenrollment or deactivation on Brightspace, students past assignment ratings etc. still remain within the turnitin.com portal.

The FAQ about moving to 1.3 states two things, and I assume these pertain to the 1.3 PeerMark Assignments only:
(1) Under enhancements that instructors will gain:
"Roster syncing function that updates every time the assignment is launched. Because this is based on the D2l Brightspace course roster, this means that students that have been added to the class or dropped from the class will show in the assignment inbox automatically."
(2) Under changes instructors need to be aware of:
- "Please note that dropped or deactivated students will be removed from the Turnitin assignment inbox. They will also be dropped from the course via turnitin.com. If you or an instructor needs to see a submission made by students that have been dropped from a course, please contact Turnitin Support."

The first statement is a little ambiguous about what happens when a student is dropped, but since the second statement says students will be removed I'll assume that that is the more correct statement. My question is, does this mean that with PeerMark 1.3, re-activating and re-enrolling a student in a course in Brightspace will NOT cause their PeerMark assignment data to re-appear in Brightspace? That the only way to recover and see data will be by contacting Turnitin Support? If this is so, do you recommend that Brightspace administrators keep students enrolled in PeerMark-using courses and active on Brightspace for x amount of time after the conclusion of the course? 



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