Turnitin - Report for PhD Thesis
Dear Turnitin,
Please clarify the following case.
Suppose a student checks his/ her thesis and finds the report statistics as 9%. He gets the degree. Lets us assume the fellow did not published any thing further from that thesis and the thesis is not archived by Turnitin repository server. After 5 years if somebody copies a chapter from that thesis what will happen.
My Question is will that be tracked or traced by Turnitin (Y/N) and how?
Thanking you
Samrat Guha Roy
IIT Kharagpur, WB, India
4 replies
samrat guha roy Thank you for your question. If I am correct in understanding you, in this situation you have chosen not to add this paper to the Turnitin repository, therefore there will be no way of tracking any possible content which is taken and used in another piece of work by another author or student. Therefore in order to protect the intellectual property of your work I would encourage you to add your work to Turnitin database.
Maybe other forum users can share their experiences on the pros and cons of adding materials to the Turnitin database
There are ethical ways of copying word by word like presenting it as a block quotation.