Sometimes different is really not that different

Differing viewpoints. That seems like a phrase I've heard a lot over the last few years. Sometimes though, it's not our viewpoints (thoughts, feelings, ideas) that are so different, sometimes we just have a different point from which we view the situation (amount of information we have access to, our own context).
This Turnitin article, "Closing the teacher and administrator perception gap on academic integrity" takes a closer look at how and why those "viewpoints" seem different. Solutions ar also offered: creating a 360 degree viewpoint & open discourse.
I am, and always will be a firm believer in the Socratic method (or any variation of it).
OPen discourse creates that 360 degree perspective & it creates so much more: a deeper understanding by all stakeholders as to why integrity matters & how a lock of it or an abundance of it affects our world.
So, take a few minutes to read the article, then, be like Socrates, ask your coworkers, students, and admins their thoughts on the matter. And, most importantly, listen deeply to their viewpoints.