Welcome! Please come and introduce yourself

Welcome to the Turnitin Educator Network! Thank you so much for agreeing to take part in this test program. I hope that Turnitin users from around the globe can use this space to meet and share insights and experiences and also help each other to build a network of educators to build collective Turnitin knowledge.


Your first task is to share a little about yourselves with your fellow cohort members:

  • What is your role in your school/district?
  • Tell us something about the school/district in which you work
  • Share a broader challenge about sharing your knowledge with the rest of your district, region, or state?
  • What do you hope to get from joining the Turnitin Educator Network forum?
  • Couldn't resist: What is your favorite movie?

Oh, please don't forget to update your profile too, with a photograph of yourself and also add in where you are based so we can see at a glance the scale of our community

57 replies

    • Kelly_Dolin
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi! My name is Kelly Dolin. I teach in a small, Christian school in Augusta, Georgia. I taught for many years, took a long hiatus to raise four children, and reentered the classroom 5 or 6 years ago. A little thing called the Internet came about during my absence. Needless to say, research, communication, grading, and so many other items are handled differently. I concur with an earlier poster who noted that busy teachers often don't have time to overcome barriers to entry when it comes to yet another platform, no matter how helpful that platform might prove to be. Quarantine has given many of us a crash course in how to deliver meaningful, personal education using new methods. I hope to make Turn It In both accessible and helpful to more of my colleagues. 

    Favorite movie? The King's Speech -- a smart, witty story of perseverance under pressure. But I love The Princess Bride! No more rhyming and I mean it! Does anybody have a  peanut?

      • Teacher / Technology Integrationist
      • Jennifer_Savery
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Kelly Dolin Inconceivable :)

    • Marifran_DeMaine
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi all:

    I'm Marifran DeMaine and I'm a high school librarian in Putnam Valley, New York; we're located about an hour north of Manhattan and we're a small (approx. 600 students) suburban district. We're an IB school and in addition to being the school's librarian, I'm also an Extended Essay coordinator and the Turnitin admin for my building.

    I've worked in my district for over twenty years and for most of that time, I've been the only librarian. I began my career in the middle school, was moved to the elementary level five years later and spent seven years there before being moved to the high school in 2011. We are also a 1:1 MacBook district and have been for almost two decades. 

    We purchased Turnitin as a tool to use with our IB DP candidates with the idea its application would be expanded to the IB Lang/Lit and History classes. With the interruption of the school year, plans did not proceed as we had hoped. Generally, the rollout has been limited and not widely accepted. For our investment, I'd like teachers and students to regard and utilize Turnitin as more than something for the "IB kids," meaning the DP candidates. All of our Grade 11 and 12 students take at least one IB class, so Turnitin should be a tool for at least half the school! I hope with a greater understanding of its application and use, I can market it more effectively to my colleagues.

    A favorite movie? Impossible to answer; it might be just a shade easier to answer than asking the title of my favorite book. My most recent favorites are Lucky Grandma and The Booksellers. 

    • Literature & education.
    • aweise
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Greetings Everyone,

    My name is Aliya James Allen Weise and I am an instructor at San Diego High Business & Leadership and San Diego State University. At San Diego High School I teach sections of American Literature, AP English Language and Composition, and AP English Literature and Composition; I am also the director of the San Diego High Academy of Finance, a program funded by the California Partnership Academy grant. At the San Diego State University I teach the English Language Arts Methods in the College of Education’s School for Teacher Education Credential Program. I am also a cohort leader for the Linked Learning Cohort.

    I work in the second largest district in California and one of the larger in the nation. Being so large, we have an incredible diversity in our students’ needs. However, our unique location at the southern border means we also have incredible opportunities for cross-cultural experiences. Facts such as these and many others result in some challenges for sharing my knowledge with the rest of my district, region, and state. For example, some of the most common objections I have encountered in my advocacy for Turnitin have been a tripartite claim to a lack of funds to pay for the service, lack of time for training and deployment, and (most frustrating) lack of need for students who are (assumed to be) not college bound. Therefore, I hope to get from joining the Turnitin Educator network forums a collegial space with others who find value in the service as well as strategies to aid in my efforts to increase adoption.

    As for a favorite movie, that is a very difficult for me to answer as I love many diverse films. Forced to pick a single film I will confine myself to two: Berry Jenkin’s Moonlight and Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water. Both, in such radically divergent ways, explore the urgent need to hold open a space of compassionate hospitality for the Other. 

    Kindest regards,

    Dr. Weise

      • Professional Education Manager
      • Autumn_Ottenad
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Aliya James Allen Weise Ph. D. those are two of my favorite movies as well. 

    • Jessica_Stewart
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi all! Great to see some fellow librarians in here :). I'm a Middle and Upper School librarian at an independent school, The Meadows School, in Las Vegas, NV. I guess I should add that I'm in charge of educational technologies, PD, and I teach filmmaking,  but from the looks of it we all wear many hats at our respective schools. As far as our school in particular, I think we're really fortunate to have a beautiful, well-manicured campus with warm weather almost year-round (not the same as Southern California but it beats the New Hampshire or Upstate NY winters). 

    My hope in this course is to learn to be a better Turnitin administrator and advocate. I think my greatest challenge has been finding a way to get our Middle School teachers on board with using Turnitin. They complain about rampant cheating and plagiarism but when we discuss Turnitin, it's like I've just told them they have to watch paint dry. Our high school teachers are mandated to use Turnitin. Regardless, I need a good hook and an easy way to get them excited about Turnitin. I'm also hoping to find a way to make our Canvas integration better since I'm the Canvas administrator as well. 

    Favorite movie?! I do love The Princess Bride but this is like asking me what my favorite book is. 

    • Tim_Freitas
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I am one of three high school educational technology specialists here at Kamehameha Schools-Kapālama Campus located in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. I have been in this position for the last ten years and am the TII admin for our HS for the last two years. 

    I am at a school that blends college prep with Hawaiian cultural-based education experiences for grades K-12. We have two other campuses on Hawaiʻi and Maui islands that serve smaller numbers, but with the same goals. 

    The challenge for me lately has been getting teachers to come to TII training, and how to reach those who are not aware of the many resources TII has to offer. I would like to see and hear how others have made it work at their schools.

    I hope to learn how to engage more of TII in our HS, and how I can leverage TII Educator Network to assist me with more knowledge and examples to improve my teacher engagement. I am excited to see all the great things my cohort will share out. 

    I may be dating myself here...Hunt for Red October. It was something about the different strategies, how well they thought they knew their enemies that got me to really enjoy this movie, and the book. 

      • Teacher / Technology Integrationist
      • Jennifer_Savery
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Tim Freitas Great movie!

    • Teacher / Technology Integrationist
    • Jennifer_Savery
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello, all!

    My name is Jennifer Savery, and I am currently at middle school teacher and technology integrationist in a rural district in Iowa.  Although I am originally from Wisconsin and have some experience teaching there, the majority of my 25+ year career has been at the middle school and high school levels in Iowa (in addition to facilitating a couple graduate level cohorts at Southwest Minnesota State University).  After teaching English for multiple years, our district needed a Spanish teacher, so I earned that certification and became a Spanish teacher for a while.  Now, I teach both Spanish and English at the 7th and 8th grade levels, work with at-risk students in a middle school success center, mentor new teachers in our district mentoring program, and work with middle school and high school teachers as an instructional coach.  Basically, I love to be engaged, involved, and challenged, which is why I have such a variety of educational experiences (too many to list here).  I do miss facilitating graduate courses, but I love working with middle school students and teachers in multiple capacities, so I do not envision myself utilizing my administration degree or moving to the university level full time.  I truly enjoy and find value in what I am doing right now.

    My district is a small one - approximately 1500 students PK-12th grade.  We have a growing English language learner population, but we really don't have much diversity in our student population overall.  

    The biggest hurdle we have faced with Turnitin.com is that most teachers in our district seem to think it is only for English teachers, and it is very difficult for them to see its merits as a result. I am hoping that this course will help me create more relevant and authentic training experiences for them so they will not only use the originality report features, but also the collaborative grammarcheck features.

    Like some others in this class, I have a very difficult time picking favorites. I LOVE so many movies...including the Princess Bride (I saw someone else had that as one of their favorites).  There are many movies I have watched literally hundreds of times (I usually put movies in that I have seen multiple times when I am grading for background noise).  I have multiple favorites in all genres; truth be told, there aren't many movies I don't like :)

      • Tim_Freitas
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Jennifer Savery Yes, at first many of our teachers felt it was only for English. Then I shared it with my science teachers and they got on board especially when students have to do write-ups for lab reports.

      • K-12 Librarian
      • Terri_Bennett
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Tim Freitas It's interesting...in my district my history and FACS teachers do a better job with Turnitin than our English teachers.   Sigh.

      • Teacher / Technology Integrationist
      • Jennifer_Savery
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Terri Bennett Our FCS teachers used it, too....until they left for a different district.  Some of our science teachers do, but we even have some of the English teachers who don't use it.  :(

      • Teacher / Technology Integrationist
      • Jennifer_Savery
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Tim Freitas Some of our science teachers have experimented with it; I thought it would take off from there, but it hasn't.  

      • K-12 Librarian
      • Terri_Bennett
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Jennifer Savery I don't get it.  Hopefully with this training we can get things turned around :) It's good to know I'm not alone!

      • Katherine_Stone
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Jennifer Savery  I've been able to get quite a few science teachers on board, too, but it seemed to get stuck there for me, as well.  I thought for sure that our social science department would jump on it, but I'm finding out as my own children progress through my high school that they really don't write as much as I thought they would in those classes.  :-(  I'd love to be able to present turnitin as a way to help teachers increase their students' writing load without drastically increasing the teacher work load.  As an English teacher, I need my students to be writing in other disciplines!  

    • Jennifer_Stanley
    • 4 yrs ago
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    • What is your role in your school/district?
      • I teach DP/IB Psychology and assist with the distance learning program as I was a virtual teacher with Pasco eSchool for several years.  
    • Tell us something about the school/district in which you work
      • My school is Carrollwood Day School.  It is an independent school in Tampa, FL. It is an International Baccalaureate program 1-12 grades with PYP, MYP, and DP programmes. 
    • Share a broader challenge about sharing your knowledge with the rest of your district, region, or state?
      • It will be something of a challenge as we are a small independent school that is not tied to a local district or the state Department of Education.  However, we are a member of the NAIS and FCIS both of which hold annual conferences and request proposals for educator lead professional development sessions.  
    • What do you hope to get from joining the Turnitin Educator Network forum?
      • I hope to learn more about the feedback portion of TurnItIn.  This is underutilized in our school and something that, in light of the recent shift to distance learning, is incredibly important.  
    • Couldn't resist: What is your favorite movie?
      • It changes all the time. Whatever touches my heart or makes me think.  
    • Susan_Schnaufer
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi everyone! I am the district Technology coach for Salamanca CCSD in Western NY, We are located on a native American reservation. We have about 30% native and 70% non-native students. We have a high poverty rate and our teachers travel from over an hour away to living right in town. We are really pretty new to Turnitin. For the past 2 years, we have only had our senior English teacher using this tool, but we really want to expand this program's use. I hope to become a solid resource for our teachers.


    My favorite movie is the Wizard of OZ!

    • Jennifer_Kindig
    • 4 yrs ago
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    My name is Jennifer Kindig and I teach high school English (9,10, honors) at a small, rural school in northwest Indiana.  It seems as though there are more and more digital resources available lately that are competing for our attention. As time for all is limited, I want to assist fellow teachers at my school with their understanding of turnitin and how it can help them in the classroom.  This is my fourth year as department head and I have teachers who still grade on paper, ones who have google docs shared with them, and those who use turnitin. Favorite movie - Apollo 13.

    Looking forward to learning with everyone!

    • Jeremy_Young
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I'm an English teacher, yearbook adviser, soccer coach and more at Oak Hill High School in Wales, ME. I'm also the school's turnitin account administrator.

    My school district is highly supportive of technological solutions and has repeatedly put a surprisingly healthy budget behind the initiative to increase technology use in the classroom.

    Many of my colleagues are too heavily invested in the google ecosystem to think of adapting their student's workflow...

    I hope to understand how to better introduce turnitin to some of my more skeptical colleagues.  Those that I've been able to work with have adopted it pretty readily, but there is a lot of my school that hasn't yet because they think it seems cumbersome...if only they knew how much time they could save and how certain they could be that they have authentic work!

    Favorite Movie--that's a tough one...I suppose I'll go with Ferris Bueller's Day Off. 

    • Cherith_Johnson
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello folks-

    My name is Cherith Johnson and I just finished my 19th year of teaching with 15 years in Denver, CO and the last four years in Georgia.  I currently teach IB Psychology and Theory of Knowledge at Decatur High School in Decatur, GA, which is just on the edge of ATL. I am also a member of our Instructional Technology Team and with our Head Librarian provide the majority of the assistance with TII  in my building. We are school-wide IB MYP (9th/10th) and have both CP and DP options (11th/12th). We serve about 1400 students. Students K-8 are 1:1, but when they come to high school we have Chromebook carts for teachers to use for their classes.  Teacher laptops are Macs and we use Google Drive and Gmail district-wide.  

    Challenges we have in the building are that we use the LMS ManageBac due to IB and this is where TII is built in, however, more and more teachers are using Google Classroom as it more seamlessly syncs with Google Drive and student Chromebooks in the building.  I have used TII for more than 9 years now and know what a great platform it is, but I would like try to figure out how to improve the effectiveness between the platforms for teachers in my building. I hope the TMA work will help me to train teachers in my building to embrace the many awesome products that TII has, such as Feedback Studio and PeerMark.

    Moonstruck and Ferris Bueller's Day Off are two of my favorite movies. 

    • ELA Teacher
    • Andrea_Arnold
    • 4 yrs ago
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    My name is Andi Arnold. I will be entering my 14th year and Caldwell High School (in Caldwell, Idaho)  where I currently am a 12th grade ELA teacher. CHS is a school that is 62% Hispanic and 100% of the population receives free and reduced lunch.

    The current challenges I am facing regarding sharing my knowledge within my district is finding time and a common goal that can be utilized within my district. We seem to be very building focused and driven and therefore less willing to work together to find commonalities. As for my building I have an incredibly supportive administration that encourages teachers to share and work work one another.

    I hope to get more tools and tricks from other teachers on providing feedback for my students. I'd also love to find more ways to encourage my students to trust the revision process and do more then just fix grammar and spelling errors, but adjust content as well.

    My favorite movie is Labyrinth. 

      • K-12 Librarian
      • Terri_Bennett
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Andrea Arnold It is so critical to have supportive administration who encourage teacher collaboration.  Enjoy that :)

    • High School English Teacher and Instructional Coach
    • Sammy_Spencer
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi all! I had the honor of participating in last summer's TMA program and am returning to the cohort this year in a mentor role although I am mostly excited to continue to collaborate and learn from ya'll!

    I am both an English teacher and Instructional Coach at El Camino Real Charter High School in Woodland Hills, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. We are a large public charter high school with just under 4,000 students in grades 9-12. We used to be part of LA Unified School District, but since we are a public charter, we are now somewhat our own district and have more autonomy.

    I have been teaching teaching English for nine years years; I have taught grades 9-12 at almost every level. I was the department chair for the 28-person English Department for two years, and have been an instructional coach, my true passion, for the past 3.5 years. I work mostly with English teachers, but I also mentor new teachers in all departments and work closely with the coaching team and the technology team. My role, now more than ever, will focus on using technology during distance learning and creating and facilitating PD for the 140+ teachers on my campus.

    As you might imagine, there have been many challenges integrating all of these new technologies, getting teachers on board with using them regularly and purposefully, and providing the training and in-class assistance that is necessary to do so well.  With the sudden change to distance learning came even more challenges that I'm sure most of us can relate to. My position as well as our turnitin subscription was up for debate in the past few months. Thankfully both are secure for now since I believe it is more important now than ever before to use the TII suite of tools to not only ensure academic integrity, but to use the instructional tools that allow teachers to give students feedback and assess writing from afar. 

    I'm looking forward to working with this new, larger cohort as both an experienced TII user, admin, instructional and tech coach, and TII ally. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or want another perspective :)

    All the best, 


    • Larissa_WrightElson
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi! My name is Larissa and I am a graduate of this Master Advocate professional learning. :)

    Autumn asked me to stop in and introduce myself to all of you.

    I am the ELA curriculum coordinator for the Anchorage School District. I am our district's main admin for Turnitin and almost all of the support runs through me! Right now I am teaching a one credit class for our teachers on integrating Turnitin into writing instruction. I have the class in Canvas and can export it to anyone who might be able to use it. I'm excited because I have a number of math and science teachers in there - that was unexpected!

      • Susan_Schnaufer
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Larissa Wright-Elson I would love it! We do not use Canvas, but I might beable to transfer to our LMS.



      • K-12 Librarian
      • Terri_Bennett
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Larissa Wright-Elson That is very generous.  I would love to be able to access your information, but we don't use Canvas either.  It's great that you have math and science teachers taking your class!

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