Welcome! Please come and introduce yourself

Welcome to the Turnitin Educator Network! Thank you so much for agreeing to take part in this test program. I hope that Turnitin users from around the globe can use this space to meet and share insights and experiences and also help each other to build a network of educators to build collective Turnitin knowledge.


Your first task is to share a little about yourselves with your fellow cohort members:

  • What is your role in your school/district?
  • Tell us something about the school/district in which you work
  • Share a broader challenge about sharing your knowledge with the rest of your district, region, or state?
  • What do you hope to get from joining the Turnitin Educator Network forum?
  • Couldn't resist: What is your favorite movie?

Oh, please don't forget to update your profile too, with a photograph of yourself and also add in where you are based so we can see at a glance the scale of our community

57 replies

    • Katie_Newray
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi! My name is Katie Newray. I work at Silver Creek High School in San Jose, California. In the past 13 years of teaching. I have been: ELD department chair, English department chair, Turnitin.com Site Lead, teacher consultant for San Jose Area Writing Project, AVID teacher, AP Literature teacher, and one of the first ERWC instructors. I am also the Site Vice President for our union. Recently, I accepted the Journalism Advisor position.

    The district and school I work for are Title 1 schools.  My school's population is predominantly English Language Learners.  Silver Creek High School and East Side Union High School District are great places to work.  I love the kids and the adults.  There is a supportive environment, especially from my principal, to continue to grow and test new ideas.  She continually pushes us all to try new ideas and attend new trainings.

    In joining the Turnitin Educator Network Forum, I am hoping to expose myself to new ideas.  I believe that good teachers are always looking for new and exciting ways to engage their students.  I am also hoping to gain an even better understanding of EVERYTHING that Turnitin has to offer teachers.  Right now, only 1/4 of the teachers at my site use Turnitin.  I would like to get that number up each school year until we have 100% participation with the tool.


    My favorite move is The Princess Bride.  No matter how many times I see it, it is still hysterical.  It provides never ending entertainment, including memes to describe 2020.

      • Andrew_Schach
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Katie Newray 

      Absolutely Katie, best movie ever!

      • Teacher / Technology Integrationist
      • Jennifer_Savery
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Katie Newray And today I feel like I have been mostly dead all day :)

    • Katherine_Stone
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello, My name is Katherine Stone, and I am an English/AVID teacher as well as the Turnitin coordinator and ELA Data, Learning, Standards, Instructional Specialist for my site - Murrieta Mesa High School in Murrieta, California.  I've been in the classroom for 25 years, and in the Murrieta School District for 22.  Murrieta is a rather large bedroom community in the Inland Empire - about halfway between San Diego and Los Angeles.  The population of the two largest neighboring cities (Murrieta and Temecula) is about a quarter of a million.  The student population at my site is somewhat diverse, with a small number of ELL, and about 38% free and reduced lunch.  We are an AVID Demonstration school, and work hard to support all students in bring ready for college and career.  My administrators are wonderful, and I feel very strongly supported by our district office personnel. The most amazing thing about my high school is our culture.  It is known as the most welcoming and supportive student body around.

    My site and district heavily promote collaboration and sharing of expertise.  The biggest challenge I run into when trying to share knowledge is that many teachers are overwhelmed with new ideas and programs, which makes them predisposed to avoid things that are new - in order to try to maintain a level of sanity and comfort.  I hope that by joining this forum I will be able to learn more about how to support teachers with tools and training rather than make them feel inundated with more "stuff" to do.  

    I really don't have a favorite movie.  I have a hard time choosing a favorite anything because there are too many choices, and each candidate has its own merits which can often not be compared with the merits of another.  I know that many people find that annoying and wishy-washy.  I choose to see it as valuing many things over a single one.

    • Juli_Kelso
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello, my name is Juli Kelso. I have been teaching at Baldwin Park High School in Baldwin Park, Calfornia for the past 15 years!  I am just a REGULAR teacher! 😂

    My teaching career began with a couple of Chinese classes at a private Catholic high school. Then I was able to teach ELD courses at a charter high school. When I finally settled in Baldwin Park, California, I was teaching ELD and English courses. After teaching English for 8 years, my bilingual skills eventually circled me back to offering Mandarin Chinese courses at my school district. Currently, I teach junior English classes and introductory Mandarin Chinese courses.

    Our school district is also a Title 1 school district, predominately Latinx! Three years ago, our former principal purchased Turnitin for us, and it has been one of the greatest things that happened in the English Department! 👏 However, none of the teachers in the English Department has received any sort of formal training, so we have been exploring the wonder of Turnitin on our own.  By signing up for the Turnitin Educator Network forum, I hope to learn and be inspired to maximize the awesome features Turnitin has to offer. In addition, I would love to also get my World Language department to begin using Turnitin! 

    • Andrew_Schach
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello everyone,

    My name is Andrew Schach and I am a science teacher and teacher-librarian at St. Ignatius High School for the Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board.  As I teacher-librarian, I work with all departments on literacy and digital initiatives.  I have found that the role of the teacher-librarian has significantly changed over the years and is quickly evolving to "tech coach".  This is exciting because I get to develop my own digital skills while working with classes, both students in teachers. 

    Several years ago, we wanted to address the originality of student work and it was becoming very time consuming for teachers.  I spearheaded this project and we decided to begin using TurnItIn.  It started with just a few classes, but quickly grew as teachers spread the word about its effectiveness.  My fellow teacher-librarian and I (I am the part-time librarian, my colleague is full time) have worked with many of the classes directly as teachers are learning-the-ropes and it has been quite successful.  Our general motto to teachers: "we take care of the tech, you take care of the curriculum."  We have also stressed how Turn It In can be used as a teaching tool.  Instead of just "catching plagiarism" how do we use it as a teaching opportunity?  How can we use it to teach digital citizenship and show students how to use references properly.

    Through this training, I hope to learn more about the Turn It In platform and how to potentially use it in assisting teachers in their training of using this platform.  How can I assist the teachers so that they can maximize their effectiveness as a teaching tool with their students?

    I agree 100% with Katie!  The Princess Bride is an incredible movie!  Inigo Montoya and the evolution of actor Mandy Patinkin is absolutely astonishing.

    I'm looking forward to working with everyone!😃

    • Stacey_Bergeson
    • 4 yrs ago
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    My name is Stacey Bergeson and I am coming from  the wonderful Cowboy State--Wyoming. I have played many roles on the path to my current assignment. I started at an alternative school, moved on to juvenile corrections where I was an instructor, district librarian, and English chairman. We moved to Wyoming where I first taught regular old high school English (is there such a thing) to juniors and seniors. I then moved to another high school in the district, where I taught freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Later, I moved to the library, completed a second masters, and began teaching concurrent English to high school seniors. I have covered Yearbook, Journalism, Life-skills, and other miscellaneous classes. Last year, I moved back into the classroom and now teach junior English and the concurrent English composition and literature classes. I also coach the Speech and Debate team. 

    Our district is made up of three high schools--one in 'town' and two outlying, rural schools. In total, we have eight high school English teachers, half of which also teach at the middle school level. I have had the opportunity to work in all three high schools and know that we serve a very different clientele at each school. During my 7-year time with the district, I have served under eight different principals. As a department, the three schools work very well together, sharing and collaborating to meet the different needs of our students.

    It was in my first masters program where I was introduced to Turn It In as a tool. When I began teaching the concurrent classes, I had access to it for my students through the college. When classes began offering more and more online options, I asked my principal for access to the program. He was very supportive and two of the three schools jumped on board. I am taking this class because, very recently, I was exposed to a small glimpse of how much more Turn It In offers teachers and students. I am hoping to gain some insight and experience in using these tools to make our lives a little less burdened with the plethora of daunting tasks we face each day. My concerns are less about how we, as a district, will use it and share it, and more about whether or not I know enough to actually be here. 

    When it comes to movies, I am awful! My students lovingly dubbed me the 3-Second Movie Watcher. While I have grown in this area, I still struggle. So, probably the one movie I go back to again and again--for fun--is True Lies.  I can't even tell you why I enjoy it so much!   

      • Teacher / Technology Integrationist
      • Jennifer_Savery
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Stacey Bergeson I love that movie, too! 

    • K-12 Librarian
    • Terri_Bennett
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi.  My name is Terri Bennett.  I am the K-12 librarian at a small, rural school in western Kansas.  Kansas schools are in the middle of Redesign, and our district is one of seven lead schools in this process.  I just finished my 36th year in education.  My undergraduate and graduate degrees are in elementary education, but I have taught jr. high reading and English, and I currently teach a couple of Entrepreneurship classes in our high school in addition to teaching library skills at all levels.    

    I have been a strong advocate for the use of Turnitin for several years now.  My problem is getting teachers wholly on board. We have hosted webinars with Turnitin team members, and a few years ago we had two teachers from a neighboring district show us how they use Turnitin in their English classrooms, but nothing sticks.  I have a few teachers who dabble, but the English teachers do not have buy in for a variety of reasons.  One of those teachers is retiring, so it is my hope to get the new English teacher to realize the depth of this tool.  The teachers using Turnitin are not utilizing it to its full potential.  Upon completion of this course I hope to have acquired the skills to inspire our district teachers to take advantage of this robust tool.

    As for my favorite movie, I love anything with Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, or Grace Kelly and all things Disney...especially Mulan.  I love the message behind her character.  

      • English teacher
      • Kim_Huff
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Terri Bennett Mulan is my favorite Disney character, too!

    • Vickie_Saltzer
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello! My name is Vickie Saltzer. I am the high school librarian at Gettysburg Area High School in Gettysburg, PA.  I am NOT a Civil War expert nor a battlefield guide... I just teach there! I was briefly a middle school science teacher before I took some years off to raise children. Before transitioning back into the workforce, I got my master's in library science.  I was an evening academic librarian at a local college before moving into the K-12 world.  At Gettysburg Area School District,  I am also the District Instructional Media Specialist.  Our district has just over 3,000 students with about 950 in high school.  The district is a mix of rural and suburban students with some of our elementary schools designated as Title 1 schools.

    Our high school has been a 1:1 school for about 10 years, but we have struggled with good information practices. I have been trying to promote Turnitin in my building, but some of the English and Social Studies teachers struggle with the digital concept of grading.  They prefer to grade on a printed paper rather than on a screen.  With the recent pandemic, I believe that the time is ripe to present Turnitin again and I was hoping that this cohort would give me what I need to "sell it" to them!

    I do enjoy watching movies and tv shows, but I don't have a favorite.  As a librarian... it just ain't my thing!

    • Librarian/ELL Resource Teacher/Honors English
    • Margaret_L_Gregory
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi.  My name is Margaret Gregory.  I work at a small Chrisitian school in southern San Diego.  I am the school librarian as well as the Honors English teacher and ELL resource teacher.  I will be training teachers to use TurnItIn next year. I look forward to sharpening and expanding my skills during this summer forum.  Hmmm, not a huge movie fan.  I am currently reading Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng.

      • Katherine_Stone
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Margaret L Gregory I'm much more into books, too.  :-)

      • Professional Education Manager
      • Autumn_Ottenad
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Katherine Stone & Margaret L Gregory, alright, then what is your favorite book! ☺️

      • Librarian/ELL Resource Teacher/Honors English
      • Margaret_L_Gregory
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Autumn Ottenad Ha ha Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and my daughter-in-law keeps telling me to see the movie of the book.  Ha ha!

      • Katherine_Stone
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Autumn Ottenad I really couldn't choose - like I said, I see contrasting value in each one.  I feel like I'm being asked to choose my favorite child (I have 4) or a favorite student (I just can't!) when I'm asked to choose a favorite book.  The first book I ever loved was Anne of Green Gables; I have adored reading and studying Shakespeare (took a full year in HS and three semesters in college); I have favorite Am Lit classics that I've taught for years (Gatsby, anything by Steinbeck, Fahrenheit 451 - I met Ray Bradbury once!); I read YA with my kids (Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and the Peculiar series are all favorites); and I've read several good books over the last couple of years in my book club (The Nightingale, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, and the Me Before You series all stand out); and I've loved studying poetry - Milton (took a whole semester class on Paradise Lost in college), William Blake, Emily Dickenson, ee cummings, and Robert Frost have all be high on my list.  I also love books that reveal other people's cultures and experiences - The Distance Between Us (Reina), and Orange for the Sunset are two that I've read rather recently.  That's just a list of what comes to mind... :-)

      • Katherine_Stone
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Margaret L Gregory You should - the movie was really very good!

    • English teacher
    • Kim_Huff
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Greetings and salutations!

    I'm Kim Huff, and I currently teach English at Central R-III High School in rural Missouri (about an hour south of St. Louis). This past year was my 7th in the district and my 15th in teaching. I am the Turnitin coordinator and administrator for my school, and the sponsor of National Honor Society and our Gay-Straight Alliance club. I also have plans to start my Master's in Library Science this fall. 

    Our high school enrollment is about 600 and is largely made up of students who live below the poverty threshold. Our high school has been recognized by various organizations and platforms for innovation and excellence, but it has also had its share of controversial news. One negative (in my personal opinion) hallmark of our school is that our mascot is STILL the Confederate rebel man, which also means some students frequently fly the Confederate flag as a sign of "school spirit." Especially in light of the recent news events and the fact that we only have 1-3 African-American students in each grade level, it is difficult to feel even slightly ok with our mascot. Otherwise, it is the best place I have ever worked: students are incredibly well-behaved and respectful, we have access to most of the tools that we ask for, and it's small enough to form deep and meaningful connections with students and faculty/staff. 

    My broader challenge with sharing information with faculty and staff is the time constraints, but I'm hopeful we can squeeze this in at the beginning of the year. Right now, only our ELA teachers utilize the program, which is unfortunate.

    I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the program and, ultimately, to be able to share that with all of my colleagues in the most concise and effective way.

    I don't have a favorite movie, but my favorite TV show is a tie between Alias with Jennifer Garner, Seinfeld, and Big City Greens on Disney. Who doesn't like a little espionage disguise among a convoluted end-game and absurd laughter via ridiculous characters? :) 

      • Jenai_Sheffels
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Kim Huff I loved Alias!  Wish they'd do a reboot!  :)

    • High School English Teacher
    • Michelle_Wooding.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    My name is Michelle Wooding and I have been teaching English at Londonderry High School in southern New Hampshire since 2002. I am a member of our district's technology committee and also help run our college and career center. My school is suburban and serves about 1400 students. One of the challenges I have faced in my district is the lack of technology support. Until recently, our network was unreliable and many teachers did not have regular access to computers for their students. We are making progress, though, and this year teachers finally received their own devices. One of the biggest problems we have with sharing our knowledge of useful platforms like Turnitin is a lack of common professional development time. I hope to use this forum and course to develop a streamlined and concise way of sharing Turnitin with my colleagues (especially new hires) as well as to make sure that I am using everything the platform has to offer my students. I am embarrassed to admit this, but my favorite movie is Titanic.  

      • Teacher / Technology Integrationist
      • Jennifer_Savery
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Michelle Wooding I love that movie, too!

    • Jenai_Sheffels
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi!  I'm Jenai Sheffels from Redmond, Washington.  I teach at Tesla STEM High School.  We are a public choice school, which means any student across the district can attend.  It's lottery-based and we are located in a somewhat affluent suburb of Seattle in the second largest district in the state.  I have an incredibly supportive administration, even if as a STEM-focused school, humanities is not always the focus.  We are a Microsoft showcase school (so no Google here).  Since we began 7 years ago, I've taught sophomore English and AP Lang.  This year, I am transitioning to teaching all seniors for Current World Problems and Genocide Studies.  I've served as Technology Integration Facilitator for my building and teacher leader for our Culturally Responsive Teaching and ELL strategies (we use SIOP).  I also serve as a district leader for Holocaust education and am a teacher ambassador and fellow at our local Holocaust center.

    Although you would think at a STEM school that we'd be very forward-thinking with technology, my staff gets very stuck in what they've always used.  It is very difficult to get them to envision how they can do something they've always done using new technology or programs. The quarantine has been good to force some of them to try new platforms (even Turnitin!) in order to continue teaching this spring.  We're expecting to start the fall this way, too, although nothing has been announced.

    I'm hoping to get new tricks of the trade from Autumn and the team and from fellow educators.  There are some things, like peer reviews, that I continue to struggle with.  I am eager to hear how others might be using the platform that I haven't even thought about.

    Favorite movie, hands down, is Top Gun.  I'm so excited for the sequel!!

      • Teacher / Technology Integrationist
      • Jennifer_Savery
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Jenai Sheffels Good movie!  I hope the sequel is at least as good.

    • Librarian
    • Brandi_Young
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello all! My name is Brandi Young, I am the librarian at Westerville (Ohio) South High School. I also am our Turnitin administrator. I have taught grades K-12, and I will say that high school is where my heart is. The district in which I work is suburban but has a wide variety of economic status. The high school I am at is referred to (by the other high schools) as the "poor" school. We don't think so though. We are immersed in so many cultures, races, sexualities, religions, and personalities that our principal says we are like no other school in Central Ohio. And I love South. I student taught there 13 years ago (in English) and swore I would come back and finish my career there. (I just had to wait until the former librarian retired). ;)

    I am also the current President for the Ohio Educational Library Media Association (OELMA), which is the Ohio school librarian association.  

    Currently, with COVID-19, we all are presented with a variety of challenges, especially with online school, blended learning, and social distancing. None of us have any idea what school will look like in the fall. One of my biggest challenges has been trying to fast track teachers to doing online school that matters and progress our students forward, especially those who still depended on paper and pencil classwork. 

    From this course, I hope to learn how to use Turnitin better and make it more than just a plagiarism checker for my teachers and students, especially with the possibility of being all online this fall. I have been a school administrator for Turnitin for two high schools now, but I have never had the time to delve in and see all that it can do. 

    My favorite movie...that's a hard one...probably Nightmare Before Christmas. 

    • Kelly_Dolin
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi! My name is Kelly Dolin. I teach in a small, Christian school in Augusta, Georgia. I taught for many years, took a long hiatus to raise four children, and reentered the classroom 5 or 6 years ago. A little thing called the Internet came about during my absence. Needless to say, research, communication, grading, and so many other items are handled differently. I concur with an earlier poster who noted that busy teachers often don't have time to overcome barriers to entry when it comes to yet another platform, no matter how helpful that platform might prove to be. Quarantine has given many of us a crash course in how to deliver meaningful, personal education using new methods. I hope to make Turn It In both accessible and helpful to more of my colleagues. 

    Favorite movie? The King's Speech -- a smart, witty story of perseverance under pressure. But I love The Princess Bride! No more rhyming and I mean it! Does anybody have a  peanut?

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