Welcome! Please come and introduce yourself

Welcome to the Turnitin Educator Network! Thank you so much for agreeing to take part in this test program. I hope that Turnitin users from around the globe can use this space to meet and share insights and experiences and also help each other to build a network of educators to build collective Turnitin knowledge.


Your first task is to share a little about yourselves with your fellow cohort members:

  • What is your role in your school/district?
  • Tell us something about the school/district in which you work
  • Share a broader challenge about sharing your knowledge with the rest of your district, region, or state?
  • What do you hope to get from joining the Turnitin Educator Network forum?
  • Couldn't resist: What is your favorite movie?

Oh, please don't forget to update your profile too, with a photograph of yourself and also add in where you are based so we can see at a glance the scale of our community

57 replies

    • Tracy_Wade
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi all, I'm Tracy Wade and have been using TII for 20 years. As an Instructional Coach in Katy, TX, I have trained many teachers on how to leverage this tool in developing better student writers. I'm excited to learn how all of you use this important service in your classrooms. Favorite movie? Too hard...but I always love to watch "The Quiet Man" for some crazy reason, sort of like comfort food!

      • Professional Education Manager
      • Autumn_Ottenad
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Tracy Wade Welcome Tracy happy you are here! 👍

    • Director of Collaborative Learning and Educational Outreach
    • Camela_Giraud
    • 4 yrs ago
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    My name is Camela Giraud (pronounced like Pamela but with a "C").  I have been a teacher since 1995 mostly in independent schools. I started teaching in Miami, lived and worked in Salt Lake City for a while, now I live on Florida's Gulf Coast in Sarasota about an hour south of Tampa. My school is nearly 100 years old and divided on two campuses: a lower school on Siesta Key and then our middle and upper divisions 16 miles away in Lakewood Ranch. Our middle school is 1:1 with iPads and the upper school is 1:1 laptops. Our demographic is wealthy, for the most part, and college bound 100%.

    Here's our challenge: We have a lot of tech tools, but as some of you have noted, teachers can be overwhelmed by too many tools when really want they want most is to teach their content and skills related to their disciplines. We've had Turnitin since I started at the school in 2008. There is really no point person who manages teaching teachers how to use Turnitin. The teachers who use it, primarily in the humanities, enjoy it for the ease of leaving rich comments and tracking changes. Since I am responsible for submitting the PO each year, I guess I am the point person. So I need to be more of a resource than I have been, I think. 

    I know Turnitin can serve our community more than it does. While it's indispensable as a plagiarism detector, I think it's potential as a tool to teach writing is really underutilized. I hope that being a member of the forum can help me be more of resource for teachers, especially in this year of uncertainly and hardship in teaching. 

    Favorite movie? This changes every time I see another new one. My standby answer to this question, however, is Raiders of the Lost Arc. But I also love quirky movies like Amelie. I also really love disaster movies--apocalypse, zombies, natural disasters, end-of-the world movies. I guess maybe I like it when the movie ends and the world really isn't on the brink of oblivion. Then there was Covid. Back to Amelie. 

      • Professional Education Manager
      • Autumn_Ottenad
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Camela Giraud welcome to the party! 🎉

    • Rae_Lyn_Young
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hello everyone!  my name is Rae Lyn Young and no I"m not related to any of the many Youngs in this group / was so nice to read all about everyone and the wealth of experience. 

    I am a high school Science teacher mostly physics and chemistry for 60% of my duties and I am also instructional technology for 40% of my time.  Our district is large and like many others in Colorado is facing major budget cuts including staff and teachers. Our district did not purchase Turnitin but our school was able to make it work. 

    This is a valuable tool that our English and Social Studies departments made amazing use of during the last springs remote learning / our science department needs to start using in.  We do have a cohort of teachers in research that take great advantage of Turnitin. 

    As one of the Instructional technology coaches, I hope to work with the teachers that honestly know more of the nuances of Turnitin that I do and bring the rest of our school into using this amazing tool.  I am up to learning from everyone!

    Favorite Movie........ Of this Year  - Parasite.  Of all time... Stupid Romance = French Kiss / Make you think movie =12 years a Slave  / Best overall = The Big Lebowski. 

    • IB Coordinator
    • Melissa_Johnston
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Greetings all,  

    My name is Melissa Johnston and I am the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Coordinator at my school in Richmond, Virginia.  We have been working since 2015 to open our IB Programme to our student body at large and we see many students selecting IB courses in English and in the sciences.  One challenge is that we have a higher teacher turnover rate than I would like to see; my hope is to always improve as a mentor and coach so that good teachers are supported and want to stay but it can feel like we are always at square one with training because of the number of new teachers each year.

    Students in the IB-DP do a lot of research and writing and we utilize Turnitin currently mostly as a plagiarism detection device, allowing students to see and work with their similarity reports before making their final submission that we send to IB for assessments. I hope that this workshop will help me improve my own understandings of Turnitin functions and help me develop effective ways to share that knowledge with others in my school. My goal is for our math and science teachers to identify Turnitin as an essential tool for the IB assessments they collect just as the English teachers do.  I hope that our whole school will value this tool.

    Favorite movie?  So hard to choose!  But let's say the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Legends of the Fall, and an Italian one called Good Morning Night.

      • Professional Education Manager
      • Autumn_Ottenad
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Melissa Johnston Welcome Melissa it was so nice meeting you yesterday!

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