Automatic upgrade to new, enhanced Similarity Report for all non-TFS accounts

Turnitin license(s): Originality Check, Similarity, SimCheck

All accounts (excluding Turnitin Feedback Studio) now have the new, enhanced Similarity Report view enabled. Administrators still have settings that allow them to disable the new report view for all users, or give instructor’s the choice to use either the classic report and new report views.

The new Similarity Report view is designed to provide an enhanced experience and improved accessibility, making it easier to interpret results. Updated features include:

  • New Match Groups feature makes it easier to interpret similarity matches in the report (English submissions only)
  • Report viewer remembers previous settings: the last viewed report mode becomes the default when reports are opened again using the same web browser on the same computer
  • A fully redesigned PDF download includes a cover page that lists the institution name, class, and assignment information
  • Document text is readable by a screen reader
  • Document text can be copied and pasted while viewing the report 
  • Exclude individual text match instances from a report
  • Exclude matches to content repositories while viewing the report: student paper repository, internet, and publications
  • Exclude small matches by word count (only from the report)

New Sim Report Aug 2024.png

1 reply

    • Ralph_Ceillcasca
    • 4 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    I have this problem from a student account, it seems that the exclusion tools have an error, for some reason when I activate the exclusions they are not taken into account

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  • 4 mths agoLast active
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