Updating assignments due to AI? We have some resources for that!

I saw this online this past weekend and it really spoke to me because educators are really working hard to assess student knowledge and give students the skills needed to succeed. While it may be human nature to try to take a shortcut, take a look at assignments through the lens of one of these two resources:

1. AI misuse checklist -- this resource is especially applicable to those assignments which may be unable to be adapted or revised for various reasons, such as it's an assessment across a department, for example. It suggests solutions, especially in terms of the process required of students.

2. AI misuse rubric -- this resource is applicable to any or all assignments and one way to use it impactfully is not simply to review current assignments, but also to design new assignments/assessments. 

While not foolproof, redesigning assignments to show student thinking is always a good instructional choice! 



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