Using Data to Back up Lecturers' Intuition

Turnitin Originality now surfaces metadata about a student’s submission via the Document Details Insight panel. These details can provide a valuable insight into a student’s research and planning processes and also offer evidence to back up that nagging gut feeling that something perhaps “just isn’t right” with the submitted work. These data points may also help to have that awkward conversation with a student about the authenticity of their work, at an early stage, and may prevent malpractice becoming a serious issue.
What data do you find useful in building up a picture of the origin of a document and a students’ planning and research processes?
1 reply
Data driven over intuition every time! In reality however the data is often ex post facto because something is 'not quite right' (the submission doesn't align with our experience of the student or an unusual term is noted). Marker expertise is often the point that enables detection but such tools create more time efficient and reliable sources upon which to investigate. Upholding integrity enables our education to mean something and upholds its currency.