Welcome! Please come and introduce yourself

Welcome to the Turnitin Educator Network! Thank you so much for agreeing to take part in this test program. I hope that Turnitin users from around the globe can use this space to meet and share insights and experiences and also help each other to build a network of educators to build collective Turnitin knowledge.


Your first task is to share a little about yourselves with your fellow cohort members:

  • What is your role in your school/district?
  • Tell us something about the school/district in which you work
  • Share a broader challenge about sharing your knowledge with the rest of your district, region, or state?
  • What do you hope to get from joining the Turnitin Educator Network forum?
  • Couldn't resist: What is your favorite movie?

Oh, please don't forget to update your profile too, with a photograph of yourself and also add in where you are based so we can see at a glance the scale of our community

8 replies

    • Ashley_Evison
    • 5 yrs ago
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    My name is Ashley Evison and I am a high school English teacher at Cabrini High in New Orleans, Louisiana. I'm also on the technology committee and am the productions manager for the after school theater program. We are an all girls Catholic high school with around 400 young women founded by St. Frances Cabrini in 1905. What started as an orphanage became a high school in 1959 and has been going strong ever since. 

    One of the challenges I believe we face is teacher buy-in and burn out. While I know many educators who are more than willing to implement something that will make their lives easier, I find that they often feel they don’t have the time or energy to put forth in learning and implementing something new and so continue to do things as they have always been done. 


    I hope to learn more about Turnitin, specifically in regard to the Feedback Studio. I also hope to improve my presentation of what Turnitin has to offer as I would like to get more people on campus involved in the Feedback Studio. 


    As for my favorite movie, it’s difficult to choose, but I would have to say Practical Magic. 

      • Professional Education Manager
      • Autumn_Ottenad
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Ashley Evison Nice to meet you!

    • Teacher
    • Amanda_Holmes
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Good morning all, my name is Amanda Holmes and I am a high school teacher. My district contains 13 high schools ranging from magnet to technical to traditional. Many of the schools are Title I and most students are free or reduced lunch. One of the biggest obstacles is access to technology (or technology is outdated) and lack of training in using technology. In order for students to truly be successful in post secondary endeavors, they will need to be fluent in technology and many of the programs schools are using to share information, turn in assignments, and complete projects. I am hoping to gain more strategies and ideas on how to better prepare my juniors and seniors for the next level.

    Favorite Movie is such a hard question so I'll have to give a top three: Harry Potter series, Frozen, Titanic.

      • Professional Education Manager
      • Autumn_Ottenad
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Amanda Holmes Love Harry Potter!

    • Summer_Ward
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Hi everyone! I am a GT/Honors English I teacher in Coppell, Texas. Our district provides iPads for all of the students, so technology is a huge part of our daily lives both in and out of the classroom. 


    I think one of the challenges we face is the large amount of new ideas/programs thrown at us every year. It is nice in theory to have all of these new ideas and engaging programs, but we never have the time and ability to get really good at any of them.


    I hope to learn more about Turnitin through this experience, and hopefully can lead my team to a deeper understanding of the intricacies and abilities Turnitin can provide for us. I really like the peer editing option and would love to try it out soon.


    SO MANY FAVORITE MOVIES! But top 5 would be (in no particular order) When Harry Met Sally, Eat Pray Love, Singing in the Rain, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and The Darjeeling Limited. :) 

      • Professional Education Manager
      • Autumn_Ottenad
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Summer Ward Hey Summer - nice to have another season in the group! 😉

    • Larissa_WrightElson
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Good morning!

    My name is Larissa and I am the ELA coordinator in the Anchorage School District. We have several of the MOST diverse schools in the entire country, with families moving to Anchorage from all over the world.

    Because Alaska is so large, and so diverse, communication across the state, and even across the school district, can be frustrating. Finding an effective means to communicate is challenging because receivers of information all seem to want different things. 

    Even though I am late getting started, I hope to gain more knowledge I can share with other teachers in Anchorage and around the state. I am particularly interested in sharing ways to use Turnitin as more than just a plagiarism detector. We also just adopted SpringBoard for ELA and so need more info to support teachers in their use of Turnitin as it supports the SpringBoard embedded assessments through Revision Assistant.

    Raiders of the Lost Ark! 

    • Jennifer_L_Stein
    • 5 yrs ago
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    My name is Jennifer Stein and I am currently an 8th grade English and Language Learner teacher at Vista Unified School District in California. Vista Unified is in the northern county of San Diego and has a pretty interesting mix of teachers, with every school having a tech leader. 

    Probably the biggest challenge with sharing professional knowledge has to do with getting adequate buy-in from other teachers. Some teachers have been with the district for decades and are resistant to changing their classic curriculum style. Others take on so many extra activities that they simply don't have time to learn a new technique or tool.

    I'm hoping to learn more about what turnitin.com can offer to teachers across content areas and grade levels. We have one-to-one device in all of our schools, and we have a district-wide turnitin.com subscription, so the materials are all there.

    I'd have to say my favorite movie is probably Casablanca - no part of it isn't amazing.

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