Starting the Year: What is Academic Integrity?

As we start a new calendar year it's a good idea to reflect on some key terms we use in our universities and schools. We are probably all familiar with the six fundamental values of academic integrity but what does this mean in practice? How does this convert into institutional policy and assessment practice? How do we communicate and model a culture of academic integrity to our students? Do colleagues have practical suggestions they can share in this area here?
5 replies
It really is about the community (students as well as academics) valuing academic integrity. Students often need to have integrity explained as their backgrounds prior to studying at university may not have exposed them to such issues. Education over punishment is the starting premise. However, every academic needs to not assume, rather start from the premise of what is integrity and how do we display it, then why it is important. After all, it is about valuing the outcome and if we hold firm that integrity is what makes they degrees and diplomas valuable, then I find students really do care about it.
Emma Duke-Williams I agree, I also tell my students if they hear something and want to use it they should reference it as a personal comment and think about 'who is that person to be credible?' It is not about opinion but how opinion is formed and supported. As a text author I will often say this is taken from the text, or based on x article, as I say teaching Management, how do you know this? tell me according to whom.
Gill Rowell , actualmente los jóvenes tienen problemas para poder entender lo importante que aplicar la integridad académica , considero que debe existir charlas para que conozcan este termino , sensibilizarlos a través de talleres y brindarles incentivos relacionados con la parte académica , que logre que poco a poco vayan familiarizándose con la integridad científica .