Use of Turnitin as Collusion Detection Tool? Share your experiences
Most of the times institutions will focus on checking papers and theses through Turnitin. The main objective of developing writing skills and detecting collusion in the student assignment is ignored sometime. There is a need to have proper institutional strategy to introduce Turnitin at undergraduate level and encourage students to use other components of the service like peer mark and discussion board. On Instructor side, proper report interpretation is important specially to find collusion among student assignments. If instructors are able to curb collusion at undergraduate level then gradually every student will start his or her own effort to review and write document. In my opinion it is mostly practices and habits of taking text from other's work without citing as no one notices it and due to non-availability of electronic detection system.
2 replies
Does anyone have experiences they can share with Muneer Ahmed Mirjat from an institutional policy point of view?
One of our departments on campus does something similar, but they have a very well-structured program and a lot of coordination. Several people in the department review everything department-wide, across all courses, so they are familiar with trends. Most of the departments at my institution are probably not well organized enough to do this, and I don't think we have an institutional strategy.