Upgrading your experience from Moodle V2 to LTI 1.3
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7 replies
What plugins can be deployed at the same time? I cannot get the LTI 1.3 version working, it says existing deployment. We currently have Draft Coach, Moodle Direct, LTI API, running and LTI 1.3 is active but moodle cannot connect.
This is an unfortunate development decision. One of the advantages is that the plugin is a very scalable solution for school and programs that operate multiple sections of a course. LTI requires additional manual set up after a course is copied - in every copy - that must be identical in order for it to function correctly and in accordance with how staff and students are trained to utilize the capabilities.
This is the 2nd recent development decision that has significantly impacted the ability for the TII product to be used effectively at scale. The first being the removal of the permissions of an instructor to make bulk uploads without assigning a student account manually to each individual upload.
These factors will have customers looking for other products that are better suited to meet scalability constraints. -
Hello, I'm wondering if the webinar about this migration was recorded, or if a future webinar will be? Due to time zone differences the last one was at 5am my time so I was unable to attend, but i'd appreciate being able to watch and learn about the process