"How to Avoid Plagiarism" need a presentation.
3 replies
Hi, there! For additional resources of avoiding plagiarism, we suggest checking out https://www.plagiarism.org/. Thanks!
Hello Qaiser,
Are you aiming your presentation at students, or more for staff to help them help students.
Either way, I tend to prefer to make the focus more of good academic practice, so more "What to do" - rather than "what not to do".
However, the points I'd probably include are:1: Intro / activity- probably trying to find out what students think plagiarism is, rather than telling them what it is (e.g. using Twitter / Mentimeter / whatever to find out what your users currently think.
1a: Have a ready prepared list of what you think they'll say & also the types of things that you think they might forget about (e.g. inventing data!)
Then I might move on to good practice, including as well as the obvious (take notes; use bibliographic toosl to help you etc) things that students don't see as plagiarism directly (e.g. time / essay planning, so you have the time to do it well & don't panic at the end!)
Tools: Assuming your students are allowed to see their similarity reports on Turnitin - I might then start to help them understand how the reports work - Steve Bentley's "SImilarity Sim" is really good for that, as they have to think about them rather than you telling them what to think. e.g. http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/id/eprint/30172/
Then I might mention other tools that you have in your institution to help students.Above all, I'd aim for it to be interactive and get the students involved as much as possible & probably do it in more than one sessions, as academic integrity is such a bit topic!
Good luck.