Academic Integrity day/week events: share ideas

Hi everyone, 


This year, I'm working with some colleagues to organise an inaugural ‘Academic Integrity Week’ at Trinity College, something we’re hoping will become an annual event in the life of the College. The highlight of the week will be a fun student event marking the International Day of Action Against Contract Cheating on 16 October (https://academicintegrity.org/day-against-contract-cheating/). I'm not an event-planner by trade, so it's been a learning curve! I'd love to share ideas with other isntitutions that run similar events. What kinds of activities do you put on for staff and students and how do you encourage involvement?


To get the ball rolling, here's what we have in place for our inaugural Academic Integrity week:

  • A kind of academic integrity-themed ‘fair’ set up in the student common space during lunch hour, featuring various fun activities, including
    • a photo booth where students can be photographed with their statement beginning, "I stand against contract cheating because" (and receive a sticker polaroid picture to stick on their pencil case, laptop etc)
    • a massive competitive Kahoot quiz on academic integrity issues, with a prize for the winner
    • a 'rearrange the citation' game, with prizes
    • a representative from Turnitin to answer questions about Turnitin for staff and students
  • A student poster competition on the theme of contract cheating
  • A competition to design a logo for the event, to be printed onto stickers and handed out on the Day of Action
  • An academic integrity-themed PD program for staff
  • Highlight the theme of the week through social media

1 reply

    • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
    • Gill_Rowell
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

     Sarah Dowling You have some great ideas here! I think the most important thing is to make activities fun for students and also try to keep it very positive and upbeat. 

    Do other forum members have activities planned for the International Day of Action or more generally around promoting academic integrity?

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