Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan

I submit my research paper to a journal. but the editor replied that there is a similarity index of 75 %. In where he claims Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan 74 % similarity. but I did not submit it Higher Education Commission Pakistan. I subscribe as an instructor version of Turnitin via a community and check here. but it seems more problem for publishing my paper similarity issue. how can I solve it?  can you please help me

1 reply

    • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
    • Karen_Turnitin
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    This has come up multiple times in here in the past, and I don't have a particularly helpful response as the HEC is a separate entity from us. 

    From what I can tell from a quick online search, you will need to address that with the HEC and there are online portals for making that contact. It is possible that your paper was added to the repository when you did a check before submitting and that's why there is a match? Perhaps look into it from that angle and see if it's possible to delete it? 

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