What is the purpose of an originality report?
The most obvious and time honored use of an originality report is to deter and detect purposeful plagiarism. Can originality reports be used for other, perhaps less obvious, goals?
9 replies
While this is still technically detecting plagiarism, I worked with an instructor who had students post in discussions each week with relatively similar prompts. She ran the discussion posts through Turnitin to deter students from copy and pasting each week and ensure they were continuing to think about the topics and come up with new ideas. That was interesting to me (and the students!) because many of them did not think it was a big deal to copy themselves.
I tend to encourage both staff and students to see them firstly as 'similarity' reports, as it's really telling you what's not original, not what is original.
I've found that in most cases, it's difficulties properly paraphrasing that most students are alerted to, so very much encouraging the TII as teacher, rather than TII as police role.