Canvas LMS with Turnitin LTI

Post here to share our insights into using Turnitin (LTI) together with a Canvas course (using Canvas as primary Learning Management System). Thanks!

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    • Penn State Prof
    • Michael_Polgar
    • 6 yrs ago
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    PSU uses Canvas LMS.  We can use Turnitin at LTI (linked technologies), allowing originality checking and mark-up for written work submitted through Canvas courses.  I appreciate the added benefits of having Turnitin in our Canvas courses. 

    Recently I began co-teaching a course.  I found that having two teachers is possible in Canvas but not in Turnitin.  Our online community, along with Turnitin help desk, noted that Turnitin courses have only one instructor (though a master course can have a teacher and one or more section TAs).  This is not necessarily a problem needing a solution for co-teachers using canvas.

    From within a Canvas course, instructors create a writing assignment using the submission type 'external tool' and select Canvas LTI for uploads (if and when it's an option).  Then 'push' that assignment into Turnitin by selecting the 'submit assignment in a new window' button.  The assignment deadline should be established in a linked/new Turnitin course (creating an assignments folder).  Instructors can add students into the course (as a set) or allow each student to self-enroll in the Turnitin course by submitting a first course assignment. 

    In this situation, neither students nor instructors need to go into 'Turnitin.com' (or, in my case, Turnitin.psu.edu) to upload a document to Turnitin.  Simply use Canvas for all assignments.  If any person in the course wants to see more detail that is based on Turnitin (e.g. originality score details or mark-up), they can select the Canvas-based link for a particular assignment uploaded through Canvas.

      • Tracey_Gould
      • 6 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Michael Polgar 

      We have been using Canvas for about 4 years, and Turn it In for probably 10 years. We've used the LTI tool since we adopted Canvas. This semester we enabled the new TII framework. Instructors are able to choose which version they want to use on each assignment. We noticed a problem recently, when instructors grade, the similarity score that shows in Speedgrader can be very different from the one that shows in Canvas. Canvas pulls the first score that TII provides. TII updates that score after a period of time, but Canvas doesn't provide that new updated score in Speedgrade. This seems to make the similarity score in Speedgrader completely unreliable. This week I had an Instructor report a disparity of 50%. Speedgrader reported 1% and Turn It In reported 54%. This is not acceptable, but the only thing I can recommend to Instructors is to not rely at all on the results in Speegrader.

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