Will QuickMarks ever be fixed?

I have seen issues reported with QuickMarks dating back more than a year. Has there been any actual progress in fixing the issue? They save so much time for addressing common mistakes when providing feedback, but I currently cannot rely on them to any extent.

2 replies

    • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
    • Karen_Turnitin
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view


    So I haven't seen a timeline or a workaround to this, but you can go here to our "known issues" page, to check on the status. I've attached a screenshot of the text (I am assuming that this is the same issue that you're experiencing, but you can search or browse a bit if not) I found. I'd recommend that you and anyone else you know who is experiencing the same click on "I have experienced this issue." I am not sure if they would contact you directly from that experience, but you can raise a support ticket also by going here to "submit a request."

    Hope this helps!

    • Justin_Medved
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Agreed - I just had a teacher complain about valuable feedback deleting! If we are to shift feedback to this medium then the teachers have to trust the tech if we are going to require them to use it.

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  • 3 mths agoLast active
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