Some Quick Marks not loading

My Turnitin QuickMarks are not consistently loading. This happens from time to time, and today I've just had enough! Please see this video for a demonstration of the problem: https://hcc.instructuremedia.com/embed/99d6d45c-af2b-4032-8dfd-f88fa0f8b28e. The only thing I can do is to reload the essay, and I often have to reload it two or three times or close the entire assignment and reopen it. I have been working on this for four hours and not gotten through even one class, which should have taken only about an hour.

I suspect that I am one of the biggest users of Turnitin on my campus (maybe even at my whole college), and I have had enough. Last time I submitted a ticket (just last month), I didn’t even get a response for THREE WEEKS, by which time I had given up and found an alternative. Since Turnitin rarely works the way it’s supposed to and offers no assistance to faculty or students, I am going to find a better alternative next semester.

27 replies

    • Scott_Hill
    • 1 yr ago
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    This has been happening to me too for a few weeks now. I thought I'd found a solution by moving from Firefox to Chrome, but this week has been just as bad on Chrome. It's absolutely exhausting. Now that the app version is completely useless, I'd hoped I could rely on the desktop version. I've been a heavy user of Turnitin for many years, but it has become so time consuming to deal with this year.

    • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
    • Karen_Turnitin
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi Jana Bielecki & Scott Hill  - I just did receive the notification for these messages so I apologize for not responding sooner. This is not my area of expertise, but I have asked a couple of people who are more likely to know, so I will circle back once I have an answer, or the usual moderator returns after the weekend and will likely respond.

      • Jana_Bielecki
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Karen Smith Thanks!

    • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
    • Karen_Turnitin
    • 1 yr ago
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    HI Jana Bielecki & Scott Hill -- I heard back from the product manager and apparently this is a known issue that has a solution mapped out and is in process at the moment. Unfortunately she did not have an ETA for completion, but if I hear anything more concrete, I will let you know.

    A couple people I spoke to said that they also had the issue, but that they either refreshed or restarted the program with some success. Hopefully a solution will present itself before long.

    • Matt_Thayer
    • 1 yr ago
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    I've been experiencing this all year and have requested tech help three times since August. All I get is "we're working on it" responses. 


    Reloading does not help, nor does restarting or clearing my cache. 


    Super frustrating in such a high cost product. 

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 1 yr ago
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      Matt Thayer I would encourage you to discuss your frustrations with your Account Manager at Turnitin.

      • Matt_Thayer
      • 1 yr ago
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      Gill Rowell 

      Have done. Here's the response. 


      • I have checked with our Engineering Team who confirmed they are aware that QuickMark sets may be facing loading issues for some instructors.
      • Our Product and Engineering team are aware of the impact this has on your workflow and are working to resolve the problem as fast as possible. This will also be added to our known issues page very soon.
      • Please note that I am unable to provide a timeframe for when a fix will be implemented at this time, so I would recommend keeping an eye on the Turnitin release notes page as the resolution along with any other bug fixes and releases will be communicated there.
      • Jana_Bielecki
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Matt Thayer Gill Rowell I have had the exact same experience and gotten the exact same response. 

    • Kelly_Queen
    • 1 yr ago
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    This is happening to me also. I am beyond frustrated as it is taking twice a long to grade. 

    • Scott_Hill
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I need to check this, but it may be that it only happens when I am grading at school, not at home. I am wondering if it has something to do with our network now.

    • Kaylin_Holden
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Has there been any progress on this? I am experiencing this issue as well, and it's incredibly frustrating.

    • Scott_Hill
    • 3 mths ago
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    I just came here to check because it is happening again to me.

    • Lori_Kloehn
    • 3 mths ago
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    I am also having the same issue. I have been using Turnitin for years to do my grading, but this situation  is going to drive me to using Google Docs for all my grading. Many of my colleagues have abandoned Turnitin for this very reason.

    • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
    • Karen_Turnitin
    • 3 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi to all! 

    So I haven't seen a timeline or a workaround to this, but you can go here to our "known issues" page, to check on the status. I've attached a screenshot of the text (I am assuming that this is the same issue that you're experiencing, but you can search or browse a bit if not) I found. I'd recommend that you and anyone else you know who is experiencing the same click on "I have experienced this issue." I am not sure if they would contact you directly from that experience, but you can raise a support ticket also by going here to "submit a request."

    Hope this helps, and I am sorry that you're all experiencing this issue! I am also sending this feedback to our team. Hopefully someone can direct me to a workaround!

      • Scott_Hill
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       a workaround I have found for this is to have students download their papers in "Current View" mode. Scrolling to the bottom of that file reveals a list of all Quickmarks for that essay, including full descriptions. 

      Not terribly convenient, but better than empty descriptions. 

      • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
      • Karen_Turnitin
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Thank you for sharing! I hope that others can benefit from your experience 🙂

    • Jana_Bielecki
    • 3 mths ago
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    It has been happening again since last weekend. I submitted a ticket again and got just a canned response that they'll look into it.

    This is really affecting my teaching and my students' work! I mark up their drafts with QuickMarks, and they see how to fix the problems by reading the QuickMarks. I've spent years fine-tuning my QuickMarks library, adding detailed explanations and links that students can use for more explanation and practice. Many of my marks are standard proofreading abbreviations, but if students don't even know that "CS" means comma splice, how in the world will they know how to fix it without any explanation or links? This is so frustrating!

      • Jana_Bielecki
      • 3 mths ago
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       I'm afraid I don't have time to chat, but you can see in the attached files. I figured out how to download my QuickMarks library as a qms file and managed to get the plain text from that but had to spend several hours yesterday getting it into a format that would be usable to me (also attached). With the papers I graded yesterday, I copied and pasted from the Word file into the QuickMarks. 

      • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
      • Karen_Turnitin
      • 3 mths ago
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        I know that this is extremely frustrating. I am hopeful that it will be fixed next week as they have said. The product manager is aware and said that she would let me know if the timetable changes.

      I am very interested in how you have fine-tuned your QuickMarks library. Could we maybe set up a time to chat about this?

      • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
      • Karen_Turnitin
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      Thank you for sharing with me/us here at TEN - I hope this is helpful to others!

    • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
    • Karen_Turnitin
    • 3 mths ago
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    Hi to all! 

    We are aware of an issue in Feedback Studio that is affecting the visibility of QuickMarks. This issue is a high priority for us, and our team is actively working on a resolution. We expect to release a fix within the next week. For updates, please check our release notes page regularly.

    • Thad_Cockrill
    • 3 mths ago
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    This is incredibly frustrating. I hope you will fix this now.

      • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
      • Karen_Turnitin
      • 3 mths ago
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       I was told that the issue would be addressed and fixed within the next week. I am hopeful!

    • Cayce_Van_Horn
    • 3 mths ago
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    This is so very frustrating. As others have stated, I spent a lot of time refining my commonly used QuickMarks and for them to just stop working is incredibly frustrating. I will recommend that my institution drop TurnItIn -- there are other, less expensive options that are less frustrating and easier to use.

      • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
      • Karen_Turnitin
      • 3 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       I am sorry that this is such a pain point. I was told yesterday that they anticipated a fix by next week. For updates, please check our release notes page

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