Canvas LTI 1.1 to 1.3 migration (Feedback Studio)

Have questions about your institution's migration journey from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3? Ask our team here or share best practices with other institutions.

47 replies

    • Elysabeth_San_Martin
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I do not see the late penalties kicking in-there is no time stamp syncing to Canvas speedgrader.  It seems the score syncs but Canvas doesn't recognize it as a "submission" with a time stamp.  I understand we can evaluate in turnitin & use the rubrics & comments there-I haven't figured out yet what students can see or how they can see it.

    I have a team teacher who used to be able to sign into Canvas & help evaluate papers but he can no longer do this since the turnitin is under my id.  is there a way to assign a co-teacher to see the papers?

    It would be nice to see a peermark as an assignment that links/syncs to Canvas as a grade.  I would like the % complete to show in the expanded view so I could easily identify students who are not revising much

    • sstocks
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Good Afternoon!  In an LTI 1.3 integration assignment, the submission does not show in Speedgrader.  Instead, to access the submissions, you would do that through the LTI inbox.  For more information, please refer to this guide

    We are working with Canvas to provide a submission icon in the gradebook to let you know a submission has been made there and we are also working with them to be able to launch an individual student submission in the Turnitin document viewer directly from the gradebook.  

    Any co-teachers (or TAs) that are enrolled in a Canvas course where Turnitin has been enabled for an assignment will be able to see the student submission, evaluate the similarity report, and grade it.  If you are having difficulty with this, please contact your Turnitin account representative for assistance. 

    Thank you for your improvement suggestion for PeerMark.  We will be looking at PeerMark improvements soon and will certainly keep this suggestion in mind.

      • Elysabeth_San_Martin
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Stephanie Stocks Thank you.  I noticed that the feedback release date is being set as the due date in Canvas rather than the due date

      • sstocks
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Elysabeth San Martin Unfortunately, I cannot replicate that issue.  The feedback release date in the creation of an LTI 1.3 assignment is automatically set to 7 days after the creation of the assignment.  The due date is also set to 7 days after the creation of the assignment.   I can adjust both of these as needed.  The due date is what is passed to Canvas.  See the attached file for screenshots.

      • Elysabeth_San_Martin
      • 1 yr ago
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      Stephanie Stocks the biggest ongoing problem for me has been the late penalties. Either turnitin should implement a late penalty function or post submission times to Canvas so their late penalties can kick in. I still can’t get my team teacher to be able to see assignments.

    • Martin_Kollman
    • 1 yr ago
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    Past reports do not seem to be accessible with the new 1.3 version unless I turn on the old version and run both at the same time.  It doesn't seem like the information has merged with the new LTI from the previous version.

    • Laura_Clark
    • 1 yr ago
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    Please help me to understand how teachers are notified of submissions and how grading information, including feedback, is added to the Canvas grade book for a TII-enabled assignment if "Student submissions will not show in Speedgrader nor will a submission icon or report score icon show in the Canvas Gradebook. Because student submissions will not show in Speedgrader, instructors cannot use Canvas rubrics to grade LTI 1.3 assignments nor can they use Speedgrader to provide feedback to submissions. In addition, neither a submission icon or report score icon will show in the Canvas gradebook." Is this functionality on the product roadmap? Maybe I do not understand this process; 1.3 may be a tough sell without parity to 1.1. Thanks.

      • sstocks
      • 1 yr ago
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      Laura Clark Good Afternoon! We are working with Canvas to make sure a submission icon shows in the gradebook for an lti 1.3 assignment. You can also see who has submitted and who has not via the Turnitin inbox. As for grading, all grading and feedback is expected to go through FeedBack Studio and the grade given there will pass back to the Canvas gradebook automatically. If an instructor wants to use Speedgrader and Canvas rubrics to grade for an assignment, they should be using the Plagiarism Framework integration instead. This provides a Similarity report only, all feedback and grading is expected to go through Speedgrader. Both the LTI 1.3 and Plagiarism Framework integrations can be run along side each other in the same Canvas instance and the instructor has choice for how much or how little they want to use Turnitin. For a quick comparison of the integrations and their features, please refer to this chart - https://help.turnitin.com/feedback-studio/canvas/plagiarism-framework/external-tool-vs-plagiarism-framework.htm.

      • Elysabeth_San_Martin
      • 1 yr ago
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      Laura Clark I was able to load my rubrics to turnitin, so my students were able to click on their essay & see my feedback that way. 

      • Joe_F
      • 1 yr ago
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      Elysabeth San Martin  Laura Clark


      Would Canvas observers (parents, support teachers, etc) be able to preview the rubric before a submission is made by the student and after the teacher marks on the rubric and adds any comments in Turnitin?

      How do observers access this in Canvas on web and mobile app?

      • sstocks
      • 1 yr ago
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      Joe F Good Morning!  I do want to let you know that we do not recommend using Turnitin through the Canvas app as it is not supported.  However, we are looking into expanding roles that we would recognize to assist with Canvas roles such as observers and parents.      

      Please let us know if you have any other questions.



      • Joe_F
      • 1 yr ago
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      Stephanie Stocks Many of our teachers score assignments using the Canvas app on their iPad. Students also use it on their phones to check assignment scores and feedback.


      If Canvas observer accounts do not have access to Turnitin rubrics/feedback then this would prohibit us from moving forward with LTI1.3 integration.


       I think Turnitin has made a significant error here in their design. 


      We’ve made the decision to not migrate from 1.1 to 1.3.

      • sstocks
      • 1 yr ago
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      Joe F I will be sure to send your thoughts to upper management.  Please remember that there is no hard deadline to move from LTI 1.1 to LTI 1.3 currently and adding additional roles is definitely being explored now.



      • mary_speight
      • 1 yr ago
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      Stephanie Stocks If an instructor prefers the grading functionality of using QuickMarks via the TurnItIn LTI but uses the Canvas rubric so that outcomes can be reported for institutional requirements, this might be hard to get faculty and institutional buy in. I would hate to not have the LTI available at all and just use the Plagiarism Framework integration instead for all of our courses.

      • sstocks
      • 1 yr ago
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      mary. speight Just to let you know, I did share your thoughts with upper management.

    • Benjamin_Ng
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi team! When trying to migrate from LTI 1.1 to 1.3 on our Canvas test environment, I encountered an error when trying to load the dummy assignment after creating it. Would just like to share this as shared knowledge as we are aware that the engineers from Turnitin are currently working with Canvas to fix this issue, and we are not the only institution who are experiencing this issue when trying to configure LTI 1.3 on the Canvas test environment. Thanks!

      • Gayle_Wilson
      • 1 yr ago
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      Benjamin Ng 

      I experienced the same issue. The answer I was given (at the time) was to do the config in our Canvas Production environment. Not a solution as far as I am concerned. I never roll out anything in Production until fully vetted and tested in either Test or Beta.

      Maybe someone at Turnitin can verify that Test is still not viable? And, if not, when it will be viable. I"m sad, but glad, I'm not alone. 🙄

      • Principal, Product Marketing
      • Michael_Tesauro
      • 1 yr ago
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      Hi Gayle and  Benjamin ,

      We appreciate you highlighting this issue. Our engineers are still investigating this issue and the viability of the test, but we will share out what they find as soon as they have an answer.

      Thanks for you patience!

      • sstocks
      • 1 yr ago
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      Benjamin Ng Gayle Wilson Good Morning! This issue has now been resolved. Turnitin LTI 1.3 can be integrated into test/beta environments. The directions for that are found here - https://help.turnitin.com/feedback-studio/canvas/lti13/administrator/getting-started/configuring-turnitin-canvas-test-beta.htm

      The directions for integrating it into production are found here - https://help.turnitin.com/feedback-studio/canvas/lti13/administrator/getting-started/configuring-turnitin-canvas-hosted.htm

      Please note that they are not the same directions.  Test and beta environments require you to create a develop key manually while production has a global registration key.  

      Please let us know if you have any other questions.



      • mary_speight
      • 1 yr ago
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      Stephanie Stocks I received this error on our production instance. 

      • sstocks
      • 1 yr ago
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      mary. speight you are receiving an unable to create a line item error?  I see this normally when clients have tested lti 1.3 in beta or test and then try to set up lti 1.3 in production using the same account id they used in test/beta.  Is that what is happening here?  

      • mary_speight
      • 1 yr ago
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      Stephanie Stocks No, I didn't test the integration first. I used the inherited dev key to install.

      • sstocks
      • 1 yr ago
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      mary. speight and was this working previously and now it is not?

      • mary_speight
      • 1 yr ago
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      Stephanie Stocks I just added it today. Is there a lag time? 

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