Flagged essays

What exactly is a flagged essay.  Is there something that a student has done intentionally that would result in flagged content?  Is it is AI related?  Is it an essay that has already been checked by an AI detection system?  I have a few and want to know how concerned to be, how to check for it with my students Google history and how to treat it on the grade.  

4 replies

    • TEN Community Manager
    • kat_turnitin
    • 2 wk ago
    • Reported - view


    You might find this article helpful with your question. 
    Understanding the similarity score

    If I may ask, is this your first time using Turnitin?
    How do you find it? I would love to hear your thoughts. 👂

    - Kat, Turnitin Team

      • Rhonda_Snover
      • 2 wk ago
      • Reported - view

       I have been using Turnitin for 10 years.  I am referring to the actual red flag icon that states something about words in the background that cannot be seen (see screenshot below).  I am not sure exactly what this means.  

      • TEN Community Manager
      • kat_turnitin
      • 2 wk ago
      • Reported - view

       Invisible quotation marks can affect how much quoted content Turnitin detects in a document. We have resources regarding this feature if you'd like to learn more:

      I hope you find these answers insightful. Questions like this are always welcome here. 

      - Kat, Turnitin Team

    • Senior Teaching & Learning Innovations Specialist
    • Karen_Turnitin
    • 2 wk ago
    • Reported - view


    Another possibility for learning more about the Similarity report can be found here, in our instructional resources. The AI detector is different than Similarity and the differences can be found on this infographic. Feel free to reach out again if these don't answer your questions!

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  • 2 wk agoLast active
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