Issues on turnitin Support

I am writing to express our dissatisfaction with the support we have received for your software. We are generally happy with the software, but we have been experiencing a number of issues with the Turnitin logfile.


Our researchers have been having trouble removing their primary file from the logfile. When they try to do this and submit their paper for a second time, the system caches the file and reports a higher percentage of plagiarism. We have repeatedly requested that the support team remove the file from the database, but we have not received a response.


This is a serious issue that is causing our researchers a great deal of frustration. We are concerned that it is also leading to inaccurate plagiarism reports. We would appreciate it if you could look into this issue and provide us with a resolution as soon as possible.

1 reply

    • Jana_Bielecki
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    My Turnitin QuickMarks are not consistently loading. Please see this video for a demonstration of the problem: https://hcc.instructuremedia.com/embed/99d6d45c-af2b-4032-8dfd-f88fa0f8b28e. The only thing I can do is to reload the essay, and I often have to reload it two or three times or close the entire assignment and reopen it. I have been working on this for four hours and not gotten through even one class, which should have taken only about an hour.


    I suspect that I am one of the biggest users of Turnitin on my campus (maybe even at my whole college), and I have had enough. Last time I submitted a ticket (just last month), I didn’t even get a response for THREE WEEKS, by which time I had given up and found an alternative. Since Turnitin rarely works the way it’s supposed to and offers no assistance to faculty or students, I am going to find a better alternative next semester.

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