Removing old Rubrics

Hi folks,  I have been new to the whole rubrics thing and have been setting up test rubrics so I can familiarise myself with it all.  Only thing is, we use Canvas in our college and when I go to attach a rubric I can never find the one I want as I have numerous rubrics that are of no use and I would like to delete.  Any ideas??

55 replies

    • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
    • Gill_Rowell
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Diane Quinn It is possible to "star" the rubrics that you use most, so that you can identify them easily, however I'm not sure if this is possible via Canvas. I would recommend dropping our support team at email at tiisupport@turnitin.com for confirmation.

    • Diane_Mulligan
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I have been using turnitin rubrics for years. As a result I have A LOT of rubrics I've created. It is extremely frustrating that it is nearly impossible to delete or organize old rubrics. This is a feature I would really like to see added. It's theoretically possible to delete old rubrics by opening the rubric managing, selecting one, and choose delete, but sometimes the delete option is grayed out and inaccessible. So very annoying. 

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Diane Mulligan I can imagine this is very frustrating! Do you find the ability to "star" your frequently used rubrics helps any?

      • Diane_Mulligan
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Gill Rowell I did not find that feature. We use Blackbaud, not Canvas, and as far as I can tell there is no way to star a rubric, in our LMS or in turnitin.

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Diane Mulligan I'm not sure if this functionality is available via Blackboard, you would need to contact the Support team for confirmation.

      • Wendy_Arch
      • 2 yrs ago
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       Gill Rowell   I also cannot see the ability to "star" favorite rubrics.  I did see this "delete rubric" option but it is not activated.  Why?  When can it be activated or at least allow an archive function to hide all these not defunct and useless rubrics?

      • Emma_DukeWilliams
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Wendy Arch I think you'll find that the delete is only not greyed out when you've set up a rubric & have never used it, even for testing. That's why I'd argue that 'archive', once it's had some usage,  is better, it's out of your sight, but it's still available if students look at older work, someone needs to refer back to it etc. 

    • Donnie_C
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Being able to "star" a rubric or form is still not an adequate substitute for deleting old rubrics and reducing the electronic clutter. It is particularly inconvenient to have to create new names for updated rubrics and sort through them to be sure you chose the correct one as editing existing rubrics/forms is not an option.  Like any obsolete file, one should be able to delete outdated, unusable rubrics.  This is generally standard with any other software/program/platform that I have experience using.  Terribly annoying and a waste of one of a teacher's most valuable commodities - time. It certainly motivates one to consider and use alternatives to Turnitin.

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Donnie C I have passed your concerns on to our Product Manager and unfortunately there are no immediate plans to change this functionality. However in the long term we are working on new grading workflows which will provide a lot more flexibility.

      • Wendy_Arch
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Gill Rowell If there are no plans to add an archive function, then why is there an inactive "delete rubric" option in the library menu?  

    • Tommy_Romano
    • 3 yrs ago
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    The inability to delete old rubrics or pre-uploaded rubrics is a serious oversight of the developer.  As has been mentioned above, just about every other software program and platform has this ability.  The time it takes to scroll through dozens of rubrics that I will never use is annoying and a waste of time.  To the developers: please update this as soon as possible.  This doesn't seem like a difficult change to make.

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Tommy Romano Thank you for your feedback. I will certainly pass on to our Product Manager.

    • Shannon_Juhan
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I have been asking for this option (to delete old/outdated rubrics) at least one a year, for the last eight years.  

    I have over 75 old rubrics on my list. More than half of them are for a prep that I no longer teach - and haven't for five years now. I've posted this exact topic/complaint on so many Turnitin.com support pages. Turnitin.com has transitioned through at least three support forum versions ... this is the third iteration for me.

    Back when it was on Roadmap there were thousands of comments and requests for this feature.  But then you all move to a new forum and we lose all of that momentum. 

    Staring rubrics - which rarely works in my case - doesn't do anything to organize them.  I still have to scroll through them all ... just looking for a star now.  

    It is extremely frustrating that the "Product Managers" continue to ignore this request that teachers have been pleading for, for years. 

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Shannon Juhan I appreciate this is frustrating for you, and I have once again passed your concerns on to our Product Manager. We are working on new grading workflows which will provide  more flexibility and I really hope your feedback will be taken on board.

      • Gareth_James
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gill Rowell could you please give us an update on this? My institution has just started using Turnitin and I have been creating trial rubrics for different assessment to assess functionality-I had no idea that each iteration could not be deleted which is somewhat ridiculous given that there is a "Delete this rubric" option present in the menu! Neither it seems can a rubric be edited (same issue with greyed out option) so any test is forced to create a new one; surely this makes no sense for the application's file management let alone the user experience?

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gareth James I completely understand your frustration. I spoke to our Product Manager about this earlier this week, she told me tells me that whilst we won't be making any changes to rubric and QM management today, we will be making updates to both when we start to introduce the new essay experience.

      • Gareth_James
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gill Rowell Thank you for the prompt response-when will the new essay experience be introduced? 

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gareth James I thought that might be your next question, and I'm trying to get a rough date for you.

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gareth James Having spoken to our Product Manager, I think realistically we are looking at 2022 for this.

      • Gareth_James
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gill Rowell thank you for the honest reply, but it does little to give confidence that the concerns that   Donnie C , Shannon Juhan, Diane Mulligan  and others have been clearly expressing for years are taken seriously. It fundamentally impacts on our productivity and willingness to try and refresh our teaching and assessment, which given the capabilities of the application elsewhere is a crying shame, but then as we are users, not decision making customers, there is nothing we can do-it is very disappointing.

      • Frankie_Yee
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Gill Rowell Almost half a year has passed. When can we have the new feature where we can delete the old rubrics?  It is really frustrating.  I have detached the rubrics from all the old assignments.  I still can't delete the rubrics.

      • Head of Student Services, Admin
      • Matt_Bartlett
      • 2 yrs ago
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      To be fair to our colleague, it's been well and truly over half a year. I believe it's been several full years. It seems as though this option has been given up on. Gill Rowell - Have the engineers outlined why it's such a difficult feature to implement?

      • Emma_DukeWilliams
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Matt Bartlett I agree, this has been asked for for years. I wonder, though, if Frankie is referring to Gill's earlier comment of "2022" - when it's (scarily) already over 1/3 gone. :( 

      • Emma_DukeWilliams
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Also, thinking about it from the longer term & students accessing older assignments (which we allow students to do till they leave); I'd prefer the older rubrics to be archived, so they're accessible should they be needed - but also retained in the way they were used at the time, so there are no discrepancies going forward. 

      • Head of Student Services, Admin
      • Matt_Bartlett
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Emma Duke-Williams I agree there would have to be some kind of archiving system. Honestly even just a folder/subfolder, or some other way of categorizing would do the job. It seems as though the product development team has some reason to believe that competitors (Canvas, perhaps) won't make similar quality of life changes to the product.

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