Not really LMS related, but it's come up in questioning from staff & this seemed the most generic area, so apologies, Gill.
A member of staff has raised the need to use a text to speech tool (just Edge's Read Aloud etc).
They felt that the options currently available - to download the original & use the Read function in Word / Acrobat, or to use the text only version with Read Aloud wasn't sufficient, and that there should be the possibility to ideally read directly from within Feedback Studio, or to at least allow a Reading tool to pick up the text within the student work.
I said I'd raise it with you, to see if this is something that will be addressed in the future, as part of becoming more accessible.
2 replies
Emma Duke-Williams The short answer is yes! I spoke to our Accessibility lead who tells me that we are rebuilding our essay grading features from the ground up to instill accessibility into the very foundations of the functionality to ensure a consistent and thorough accessible experience. He says "We are no longer changing a product to fit, but instead making accessibility the core of our assessment."
Thanks, Gill.