Quickmarks - summary of all default sets.
I've been looking at quickmarks today, for a number of different things. Via a Google Search I found https://www.turnitin.com/resources/quickmarks
Downloadable List of all Quickmarks & their descriptions.
Those .pdf file that have a summary of all of the quickmarks in are handy - but is it possible to have a downloadable set of the core default ones, and then the additional ones that are added.
Which are the default set of QMs that I'd expect to see (based on country and/or institution type?
For example, we have Y7-9 Science Argument as a default set (not that useful for Higher Education), but we've not got Y7-9 History, similarly not useful.
I like the idea of having them accessible from that page, so individuals / institutions could add them, if required.
For those sets that are unlikely to be used much in a particular institution, it would be handy to be able to hide them by default & staff make visible if required.
Other resources?
I've also just found (by guessing the URL) https://www.turnitin.com/resources/rubrics
As far as I can see, though, those 2 collections aren't easily findable from the home page. I wonder what other gems I'm missing ..
7 replies
Emma Duke-Williams I'll try to find out more for you about the visibility of our QuickMark sets. Some other useful resources which you might like to check out are our VidBITs We have tried to collate all our great instructional resources in one place here, although I appreciate that this does not currently include the QuickMark sets and rubrics.
Emma Duke-Williams I believe the QuickMark sets list is generic and not specific to location or institution. You can hide individual sets you don't use, but this currently can only be done on a per user basis. Guidance on how to do this can be found here.
My Turnitin QuickMarks are not consistently loading. Please see this video for a demonstration of the problem: https://hcc.instructuremedia.com/embed/99d6d45c-af2b-4032-8dfd-f88fa0f8b28e. The only thing I can do is to reload the essay, and I often have to reload it two or three times or close the entire assignment and reopen it. I have been working on this for four hours and not gotten through even one class, which should have taken only about an hour.
I suspect that I am one of the biggest users of Turnitin on my campus (maybe even at my whole college), and I have had enough. Last time I submitted a ticket (just last month), I didn’t even get a response for THREE WEEKS, by which time I had given up and found an alternative. Since Turnitin rarely works the way it’s supposed to and offers no assistance to faculty or students, I am going to find a better alternative next semester.