Similarity Of My Own Report
I am using University Instructor account but the problem is that I have mistakenly add my report in the repository. I have to remove the report from the turnitin repository for this purpose I have…
Similarity report not shows
Hi, i've been troubled to have the similarty report since two days ago. the similarity icon shows 0% and in the feedback studio also 0%. try to submit the document into another assignment,…
Excluding submitted material and checking references
I've just had my first experience of using Turnitin and Feedback Studio for marking coursework essays. It didn't go well. I found multiple instances of students using too much text from their cited…
I don't want to enter Feedback Studio; I want the old view
Hey, there: For some reason, when I click on the originality icon, I started getting sent to Feedback Studio. I didn't ask for that and it doesn't have the one thing I want--the ability to remove…
Similarity Percentage
In the similarity check of a document with another document there is a similarity percentage. I think this percentage indicates the similarity percentage of the checked document with the other one.…
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