A student paper is taken entirely from unpublished content, how to report
Hello, There is evidence that 84% of the content of a student paper is taken from unpublished material from a research project at the same university. This similarity prevents further publication by…
Percentage student papers not show
Hi. my turnitin report doesn't show % student paper. I have one published paper and the percentage does show in the primarily source. however the paper does not declare as my paper and the '%…
similarity from my same uploaded paper
I have deleted all the assignment and class but is show the similarity from my same uploaded paper. what should i do.
Please automatically exclude References page as part of your features - teachers do not have time to adjust this per assignment
It seems that TurnItIn requires that the teacher adjust every new assignment for the "+Optional Settings" where some important Advanced TurnItIn Settings are to remove the References page (as an…
Duplicate (and triplicate and more) Paper view requests
Is anybody else getting plagued by instructors being able to keep hitting send on paper view requests, so that the paper "owing" instructors get spammed?…
Liberty University School of Health Sciences Instructors is grading Doctoral Students based on TurnItIn Scores under 25% as plagiarism.
Students should have free access to TurnItIn Draft Coach. It makes no sense to judge students on similarities, especially when students have to use peer review articles for assignments and…
Similarity report with my own account denied
I am teaching at Touro University, former Touro College. The student just turned in a paper with 99% similarity report linked to Touro College. I am pretty sure he copied from one of my other…
How similarity percentage is affected by later submissions
Dear Turnitin, I am a bit puzzled why the similarity percentage changes when two different people submit their work. If there is a concern over collusion,…
Cannot get Similiarity Report
Hi I uploaded a paper for similarity check 15 days ago. It was a 545 page document. I got no similiarity report for percentage. I then deleted it. Now, again I uploaded it.…
remove my paper from database
Sir when i use first Turnitin ,wrongly choosed setting instead of no repository i have choose standard repository and checked my 3 paper it shows similarity index 24 percent and remove from inbox…
Stupid matches
Hi I've just run a student's paper through TurnItIn, and it marks "et al." as possibly copied text. I have gone into the filters setting and told it to ignore matches with less than 3 words.…
Preliminary pages similarity
Hey Team, Usually, preliminary pages, especially in various University theses, tend to be very similar due to the students' guides that require certain information in a given way.…
Table of contents similarity report
Hullo, Team, Why would a table of content appear as attached? What do the field codes imply? Why the page 'correction' (50 49)? Kindly assist Thank you
Excluding drafts
I have a class submitting a final paper next week which will be put through turnitin. We use the feedback studio. Their drafts also went through turnitin so how can I make sure that their final…
Similarity check
Dear TurnItIn, How can I avoid a similarity check on the preliminary pages? Especially when we are running theses and dissertations, the preliminary pages have very similar information - the name of…
Incorrect Similarity/ Original Report
Hi All,For my course, students have to submit multiple drafts of an assignment. For the first draft for a particular student, the Similarity report was 39%.…
date typed in red
I noticed that the date of the report typed in red and black. What is the meaning of the color of the date in the report?
Similarities Report updates itself
One of my student's paper on turnitin report updates itself.Whats does this mean? How can I stop this automatic updating?
Ghosted similarity icon
One of my classes identical to the other will not generate a similarity report. Why?
Similarity Reports
Hello! My teaching partner and I have recently experienced issues with similarity reports. Those essays submitted earlier in the day (1st period) are not compared to those submitted later in the day…
Questions of the day
Have you ever encountered unfair paraphrasing? Was it synonym swapping or something else? How do you recommend tackling these situations?
A handful of tips for teaching paraphrasing
For students to see the real value of paraphrasing, it should be incorporated across various courses and in as many contexts as possible (not only writing, but also reading, speaking, and listening).…
Paraphrasing classroom resources arrived!
Since we’ve been talking about paraphrasing lately, we’ve put together some useful classroom materials. Here, you’ll find anything from a lesson plan to student handouts:…
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