How similarity percentage is affected by later submissions

Dear Turnitin, I am a bit puzzled why the similarity percentage changes when two different people submit their work. If there is a concern over collusion, if one person submits their work first and a second person submits on a later date, why would the earlier submission show the higher similarity, and not the second? I hope that makes sense!

2 replies

    • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
    • Gill_Rowell
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Peter Bailey This does seem rather strange, however, I wonder if this might be linked to the way in which the assignment has been set up, for example the final report was not generated until the due date when all of the papers were available. This article may be helpful. 

    • Peter_Bailey
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for the suggestion Gill, and I shall check the settings and see if this is the case. 

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