How to know who plagiarize my paper

Hi everyone,
I have one trouble relate to plagiarism. First of all, I can make sure that my paper is original. Previous, I had submitted my paper to some journals but got rejected (not at the same time). Recently, I try to submit again to another journal, however the journal editor said that my paper get very high similarity with another paper. I try to find out that paper by Turnitin but it only shows me a source with the name "Student paper, submitted to Higher education commission Pakistan". When I try to click that source link the Turnitin shows me a notification:
"Because submitted papers remain the intellectual property of their authors, instructors, and respective institutions, we are unable to show you the content of this paper at this time.
If you would still like to view this paper, your instructor may be able to request permission to view the paper from the instructor to whom the paper was originally submitted."
How can I know the information of this student paper such as: title, authors, affiliation, date submitted?
Thank you for your consideration and support.
3 replies
Tai Ho Thank you for your question. Yes, it appears a match has been found between your paper and a paper submitted to the HEC in Pakistan. As the message says, because this paper belongs to someone else in order to obtain access your tutor will need to make a request to the owner. Therefore you will need to ask your tutor to make this request by clicking on the link. You are not able to do this as a student. It's more than likely that you have both taken information from the same source but your tutor will need to obtain access in order to investigate further.
Hi this is Hemalatha from juntu,hyderabad. I gave my paper to check for plagiarism 2 months back...then it showed 18% and after one month it was published by some other person which showed 92% to my paper....I tried all of my sources to retrieve the paper and details of the person submitted,under guidance..etc details. I even contacted the university where paper was submitted and they were also not so useful and gave this link...hope you help me out on this