Feedback Studio in STEM classes: Something for everyone
We all know that writing across the curriculum is important. But, we also know that STEM teachers have to grade a lot of assignments that do not always have a lot of writing in them.…
Start the year off with meaningful classroom decor
The start of the new year is all about renewing practices and, although it may be only 1/2 way through the school year, even in schools, it's all about trying new ways of teaching and learning.…
Teaching creativity creatively
“Creativity lights up the brain,” writes Nicole Kreuger in their blog post, “5 Reasons Why it is More Important than Ever to Teach Creativity” (ISTE, 2022) Yes.…
Using collaborative writing as an add on to any writing assignment
History is littered with solitary writers, whether struggling or successful. But, solitary does not equal either achievement or failure. There is no reason for writing to be a solitary pursuit.…
Sometimes different is really not that different
Differing viewpoints. That seems like a phrase I've heard a lot over the last few years. Sometimes though, it's not our viewpoints (thoughts, feelings, ideas) that are so different,…
Lucha Libre: Body slamming the Socratic method
I am, admittedly, a huge lesson planning nerd. Actually, I should say, I am a huge unit planning nerd. Individual lessons aren't really my passion, but an intricately planned unit of study with…
Increase learner agency through Feedback Studio & Draft Coach
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the importance of student agency in the K-12 setting. Growing student independence through choice creates the roots of strong critical thinking skills.…
How to share your QuickMark Sets
YES, YOU CAN! Here's how to share your QuickMark sets to your department, co-teachers, etc. EXPORTING SETS 1. Open your class 2. Click on the Libraries tab 3. Click on the QuickMark Manager tab 4.…
The "Similarity or Plagiarism?" debate series
This 2 part series examining how SIMILARITY does not equal PLAGIARISM, by Patti West-Smith is a fantastic #read for #educators at all levels. Part 1 & Part 2
Painless Paraphrasing: Giving Students the Support They Need To Be Successful
Paraphrasing pain is REAL! This is a complex concept & a complex skill for young writers to master and teaching paraphrasing can sometimes feel like a painful task!…
Feedback, Feedback, Feedback…everyone gets feedback!
Having students give each other feedback allows students to understand what is involved in giving insightful comments & finding areas of opportunity. In my experience,…
Sailing through the day
Watching my child take sailing lessons this summer brought it’s fair share of frightening moments and near misses. On this particularly windy day, she set her sails and her course,…
Video: Understanding text similarity for students
Would you like your learners to become more adept at interpreting their similarity? This video will help your learners better understand their similarity report and therefore,…
Socratic Seminars: Deepening comprehension levels
Socratic seminars, as a summative assessment or a formative learning experience, allow students to interact with one another, the text/topic, and examine their own point of view.…
Assessments: How to reduce student anxiety
Defining and communicating to students where their learning journeys are headed and why they are focussed on a specific goal, allows for purposeful learning.…
Increase your students' academic integrity literacy with games
Gamification can increase learner engagement and deepen understanding. Use these ideas from Integrity to help solidify your students' understanding of academic integrity: Integrity Games:…
Developing Equity through Education Model 4.0
"Responsive educational proposals to develop skills to meet the demands of Industry 4.0 have become imperative to guarantee inclusive, equitable, and quality education and promote lifelong learning…
Break the cycle: Turn plagiarism into teachable moments through feedback
Feedback really helps to break the cycle of plagiarism-consequence, plagiarism-consequence with your students. I absolutely loved seeing how TEACHING my students the tools they need to avoid…
Free-up more of your time this fall
Free-up your time & stress less during this year's back-to-school prep! Watch this quick video & learn how to save time with copying classes & make your fall set-up the most efficient one yet
Iowa student makes color changing sutures that detect infection
What an incredible, life changing invention!
An “I love presentations, but I hate grading them” solution
As a ELA & Speech teacher, I loved watching my students use real life skills in my class like giving live or virtual presentations. But, I often found watching the presentations, grading on a rubric,…
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