PhD Thesis Originality Issue

Dear Support,

I have been using Turnitin as a Sabancı University Instructor since 2010. Meanwhile, I wrote my own PhD thesis. I never thought it would be an issue, so to satiate my own curiosity, I ran three chapters of it through Turnitin last Summer, to find %3 to %5 similarity. Unbeknownst to me then was that my university (Istanbul Technical University) has begun working with Turnitin and now requires that an entire dissertation must be checked, and not using my account, but my thesis advisor's. Thus, now, we have an apparent %63 and of course, that is a problem. How can we solve this issue? Since the graduation ceremony is in early June, the issue is somewhat urgent. 

Looking forward to your input, and thanks in advance! My own user is fulyacelikel, fulya@sabanciuniv.edu

7 replies

    • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
    • Gill_Rowell
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Fulya Çelikel Soğancı Thanks for your question. If the matches are to the original paper you submitted would it be possible to exclude these matches from the report? See this page in our guides for information.

    • Fulya_Celikel_Soganci
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Dear Gill, my advisor Dr. Paul Whitehead is concerned, since those pages are also partially edited and revised, thus not mot-a-mot similar to the versions I previously submitted to Turnitin, the university would not accept, thus we should find another solution to the issue.

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Fulya Çelikel Soğancı I understand. So, am I correct in thinking that the paper has been submitted twice, once by yourself and also by your supervisor at Istanbul Technical University? If this is the case, an alternative would be to remove one, or both papers from the database. Do you think this would work?

      • Fulya_Celikel_Soganci
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Gill Rowell Yes Madam, I think the best solution would be to remove BOTH papers, just to be on the safer side. Thus, we could have a brand new similarity report with a genuine score. I am sorry for causing such an issue, and taking your time. From the Turkish perspective, it seems Turnitin is THE originality checking platform now.

      • Fulya_Celikel_Soganci
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Gill Rowell My advisor's account is whitehead@itu.edu.tr, mine is fulya@sabanciuniv.edu

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Fulya Çelikel Soğancı Unfortunately this is not something I can do, you will need to contact our Support team. Let me get the details for you.

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Fulya Çelikel Soğancı Please refer to the following post for details on how to remove the papers from the database. The Support team can be reached via emailing tiisupport@turnitin.com but the request must come from the account Administrator.

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