A research story: "Where to next?" feedback in Turnitin Feedback Studio impacts student growth
As educators, we have always believed that feedback is critical to student learning;…
How active empathy and allyship advance education in the classroom
It’s 2022, and for teachers, everything feels like a potential minefield.…
How to uphold assessment with integrity and ensure accurate measurement of student learning
Assessment with integrity mitigates short cut solutions and instead makes students…
Why you need to be aware of emerging trends in academic integrity
A quick reflection on the past two years illustrates how quickly things can change.…
Why academic integrity is important to teaching and learning
Every decision in life has a push and pull factor; from what are we moving away and…
The top Turnitin blog posts of 2021 and what they mean
At Turnitin, like many of you, we often look back on the past year as we plan for…
Authentic learning: What is it, and why is it important?
Fostering self-directed learners with a long-term, deep understanding of concepts is…
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What is the history of rubrics? Why do rubrics matter?
Rubrics are scoring criteria for grading or marking student assessment.…
How to ensure fair and accurate end-to-end assessment
Assessments are a checkpoint for student learning and teaching efficacy;…
What is a honor code and why is it important to academic integrity?
“I have neither given nor received assistance while completing this assignment.…
How to ensure administering assessments are part of a constant cycle of improvement
The educational journey is a cycle of constant improvement, and assessments are…
What are rubrics and how do they affect student learning?
What are rubrics? Rubrics are guidelines for student assessments.…
What is the difference between academic integrity and plagiarism?
Plagiarism is often discussed hand-in-hand with issues surrounding academic…
When setbacks are opportunities for change: Best assessment practices
Every time we are faced with a challenge or setback, it involves making a change—and…
What is self-citation and what does it have to do with academic integrity?
What is self-citation? When it comes to a researcher’s own work, attribution is…
What is source code plagiarism and what does it have to do with academic integrity?
1. What is source code plagiarism? Source code plagiarism—otherwise known as…
What is self-plagiarism and what does it have to do with academic integrity?
Self-plagiarism—sometimes known as “duplicate plagiarism”—is a term for when a…
Thinking beyond classrooms to help students prepare for the future
As educators, we may find ourselves wondering why some students find academic…
What are online test banks and what do they have to do with academic integrity?
In this blog series, we have explored emerging trends in academic misconduct,…
How can we authentically appreciate educators in 2021?
In March of 2020, educators around the world were asked to conduct a breathtaking…
What are electronic cheating devices and what do they have to do with academic integrity?
There are new and emerging trends in academic misconduct; in this post,…
International Center for Academic Integrity Conference panel recaps: part 2 of 2
The International Center for Academic Integrity held its annual conference online in…
International Center for Academic Integrity Conference panel recaps: part 1 of 2
In March 2021, the International Center for Academic Integrity held its annual…
What are word spinners and what do they have to do with academic integrity?
Earlier, we touched on new and emerging trends in academic misconduct;…
How to Enhance Authentic Assessment with Integrity
Roslyn Miller, Ph.D. and Amanda E. Major, Ed.D., CPLP, PMP are instructional…
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