What is the history of rubrics? Why do rubrics matter?

Rubrics are scoring criteria for grading or marking student assessment. When shared before assessment, rubrics communicate to students how they will be evaluated and how they should demonstrate their knowledge. Rubrics also clarify any marking or grading outcomes, helping students understand why they received their particular score or grade. In sum, a good rubric promotes student learning

Read more about rubrics on the Turnitin Blog

4 replies

    • Antony_Sindone
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    HI Team,

    Following on from the recent Webinar, I asked a question via the chat function, but it may have been overlooked. I would welcome a response if the chat was saved. 

    It was regarding IB rubrics and limitations experienced earlier this year. As an International Baccalaureate school we have particular rubrics and reporting levels. Turnitin seemed to struggle with this. As a result we moved way from using your platform for this purpose, but would like to do so if there was greater flexibility of format.

    Interested in your (collective) response.



      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Antony Sindone I understand my colleague Michael Ryan has been able to discuss this with you. Is that correct? Please feel free to reach out if there is anything further I can help with.

    • Emma_DukeWilliams
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I know I've mentioned this before, as have others; but could it be possible to look at allowing staff to hide those rubrics they no longer need  quick access to? I appreciate that we can't edit/ delete them if used (as you can't tell if they were used with 'real' or test data). 
    it would also be really useful to be able to hide (centrally?) those supplied rubrics that are unlikely to be useful to our staff (though they may find them useful for ideas, hence not wanting to remove them totally). 
    Quite a few are school based, & thus not immediately applicable to HE - some also seem to be more US than UK focussed. 

      • Customer Engagement Specialist, Turnitin
      • Gill_Rowell
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Emma Duke-Williams Passing on your comments to our Product team as ever, who will take on board as part of the TFS Modernisation work.

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