Driving enablement of formative assessment

What does it mean to accurately assess student learning at any given point in time, and what role does formative assessment play? In an education landscape contending with flexible learning environments, the future of work, and the growth of AI, greater emphasis is being placed on student-centered learning with expectations that assessment practices will keep pace.
Formative assessment, a cornerstone of assessment methodology, serves an important purpose in providing students ongoing feedback for learning, gathering evidence of learning to inform teaching interventions, and cultivating confident, self-directed learners. At a time of increasing scrutiny on the process of learning to go beyond the product of learning, formative assessment also supports educators in delivering authentic learning while validating students’ true achievement.
Despite its value, there are barriers to conducting formative assessment within the classroom and at scale using traditional methods. In this blog post, we explore the intersection of education and technology that presents new opportunities to drive formative assessment and how institutions can enable this strategy for teaching and learning success.