4 essential study skills to teach students for future success

Education is undergoing a significant shake-up, with attention turning to the study skills students will need to thrive instead of falter in a changing landscape. Consider the number of technology-driven and societal forces converging in education, including digital transformation and AI integration, and how they might impact teaching and learning. It’s safe to say the priority for every institution is to future-proof their education offering and produce job-ready graduates.
You may be familiar with the concept of ‘Education 4.0’, a holistic approach to education aligned to the fourth phase of the industrial revolution that utilizes advanced technology and innovative teaching methods to prepare students for the future workforce. But what bearing does this have on student study skills and what does it mean in practical terms?
Intrinsic to this strategy is positioning learners to adopt greater responsibility for skill-building, with educators serving as facilitators to enable it. There is an opportunity and responsibility for education institutions to lay the foundation for independent, confident learners who can enter the workplace and skills economy with a strong footing.
In this blog post, we aim to unpack the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ of in-demand study skills to equip students for lifelong success.