FAQ LIVE! Your Turnitin LTI 1.3 Questions Answered (Canvas Edition)
Thu Oct 10 at 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BT2DGbP9TwKBICmpplQKjA#/registration2 going -
Turnitin Feedback Studio & LTI 1.3 in Brightspace: The Future is Now
Fri Sep 13 at 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lyyAtlQhSoqMgWF5-bIewQ#/registration1 going -
Turnitin Feedback Studio & LTI 1.3 in Canvas: The Future is Now
Fri Sep 13 at 2 PM - 3 PM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_P0ns8FT2RHSfbUHWqUGxGQ#/registration -
Migración y uso de la herramienta LTI 1.3 de Turnitin
Tue Sep 10 at 1 PM - 2 PM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FFkwKeuQRqa5CDDlC-PE_Q#/registration -
Deletion Request-Adminstrator
I am an administrator, and around 10 instructors have accounts. I am facing an issue regarding instructor requests for the deletion of papers. When an instructor requests the deletion of a paper from…
- Answered
What does Source Credibility look like with AI-generated text?
Back to school when generative-AI is being hotly debated in educator circles definitely adds to back to school stress -- for educators, admin, and students alike.…
How grading at scale makes large classrooms feel small
Grading at scale is a time-tested practice with many benefits, the most prominent being that a standardized and efficient grading system helps both educators and students track students’ learning…
my paper was Submitted to Higher Education Commission Pakistan
can i remove it from repository? It make me self plagiarsm
- Answered
The new Similarity Report: Clearer insights, faster feedback, and improved outcomes
What do you know about the Turnitin Similarity Report and how it works? In 2000, Turnitin.com launched in its most basic form, leveraging database pattern-matching technology developed from Berkeley…
Peer review and feedback educator self-reflection tool
If, like me, you struggle(d) with peer review, the educator self-reflection tool is a good starting point! This is a fairly simple reflection tool and can be used individually or as part of…
Error in the new turnitin view
Hi,I am a student and when I try to exclude citations and references, Turnitin fails. Could you please correct this?
Turnitin Feedback Studio & LTI 1.3 in Canvas: The Future Is Now - for Administrators
Mon Aug 26 at 5 PM - 6 PM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pgd-z2A5S_qa4REBSOKN5g#/registration -
Turn over a new leaf: Grading paper-based assignments in Feedback Studio
Despite the rapid advancement of digital tools in education, paper-based assessment continues to play a key role in many academic courses, offering unique benefits that digital methods can't…
Sentence starters - Peer review and feedback
It shouldn't surprise anyone that there are a lot of former educators working at Turnitin; it just makes sense at an educational technology company! So when the Teaching and Learning Innovations team…
Turnitin Feedback Studio & LTI 1.3 in Brightspace: The Future Is Now -- for Administrators
Wed Aug 21 at 5 PM - 6 PM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZdMNxH7ORASKGg2OLKqNzQ#/registration -
Turnitin Feedback Studio & LTI 1.3 in Moodle: The Future Is Now -- for administrators
Mon Aug 19 at 5 PM - 6 PM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0mflCDViS9mLz9LGYkPDPQ#/registration -
Ondersteuning van studenten d.m.v. Turnitins nieuwe Similariteits- en AI rapporten
Thu Oct 24 at 6 AM - 7 AM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8BaY6iZDTDWmi6nJW7N8iA#/registration -
Unterstützung von Studenten mit den neuen Ähnlichkeits- und KI-Berichten von Turnitin
Tue Oct 22 at 6 AM - 7 AM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KrHblCbUSo6XiCkUQJkoQA#/registration -
Fostering Equity: Empowering Student Writers with Turnitin's Draft Coach
Wed Oct 16 at 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HA1vzcQYRgGd5CiQoi7CsQ#/registration -
Le nouveau rapport de similarité
Wed Oct 16 at 6 AM - 7 AM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xW6lK-y4R06slRzgS-Lugw#/registration -
Il nuovo rapporto di somiglianza
Tue Oct 15 at 6 AM - 7 AM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__I22yZ3qSXSjdYKUdbdQZg#/registration -
Fostering Equity: Empowering Student Writers with Turnitin's Draft Coach
Wed Oct 9 at 4 PM - 5 PM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8-87RUcIRZSV-nsSbNzywg#/registration -
Level Up Your Authenticity: Unmask AI-Generated Work & Empower Student Voices
Wed Sep 18 at 4 PM - 5 PM EDThttps://turnitin.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3zuzJvbZSI6Rby-LOg2v5Q#/registration