Is it plagiarism or similarity?
This week's post on the Turnitin blog discusses the issues of plagiarism or similarity in part one of our debate series on the subject. Of course we know that plagiarism isn't acceptable,…
Is it plagiarism or similarity?
This week's post on the Turnitin blog discusses the issues of plagiarism or similarity in part one of our debate series on the subject. Of course we know that plagiarism isn't acceptable,…
Preliminary pages similarity
Hey Team, Usually, preliminary pages, especially in various University theses, tend to be very similar due to the students' guides that require certain information in a given way.…
Table of contents similarity report
Hullo, Team, Why would a table of content appear as attached? What do the field codes imply? Why the page 'correction' (50 49)? Kindly assist Thank you
Does Turnitin detect plagiarism?
Similarity does not equal plagiarism. The two concepts are not the same. There, I said it. This might ruffle some feathers and challenge some notions, but we need to clear the air.…
Socratic Seminars: Deepening comprehension levels
Socratic seminars, as a summative assessment or a formative learning experience, allow students to interact with one another, the text/topic, and examine their own point of view.…
Academic Integrity Series: What is an Honor Committee, Anyways?
High school students often hear from chagrined teachers, “When you go to college, _ won’t fly!”. What fits in that blank? All manner of executive functions (e.g.…
Top 10 Insights from Turnitin's VidBits!
Top 10 Practical Insights from Turnitin Feedback Studio Vidbits Turnitin offers educators resources to support usage of Feedback Studio through a curated library of videos.…
Excluding drafts
I have a class submitting a final paper next week which will be put through turnitin. We use the feedback studio. Their drafts also went through turnitin so how can I make sure that their final…
Assessments: How to reduce student anxiety
Defining and communicating to students where their learning journeys are headed and why they are focussed on a specific goal, allows for purposeful learning.…
What is academic misconduct? Cheating, plagiarizing, and other shortcut solutions
Aligning our understanding of definitions of academic integrity is important to promoting lifelong learning throughout the world in a post-industrial marketplace of ideas.…
Sharing is Caring, Right?
Sharing is Caring, Right? Teaching often feels like a siloed profession where professionals continually reinvent themselves and content for their students.…
Increase your students' academic integrity literacy with games
Gamification can increase learner engagement and deepen understanding. Use these ideas from Integrity to help solidify your students' understanding of academic integrity: Integrity Games:…
Developing Equity through Education Model 4.0
"Responsive educational proposals to develop skills to meet the demands of Industry 4.0 have become imperative to guarantee inclusive, equitable, and quality education and promote lifelong learning…
The What & Why of Attributions
When teaching a graduate level research and bibliography methods course I often found myself creating “cheat sheets” for students on course topics: lists of credible journals,…
ALT Annual Conference 2022
Tue Sep 6 2022 - Thu Sep 8 2022The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, UK1 going -
How to help students navigate fake news by teaching fact versus opinion
Integrity is important to all components of teaching and learning. One of the most critical factors is determining fact vs opinion, especially when it comes to “fake news” and basing analysis on…
Break the cycle: Turn plagiarism into teachable moments through feedback
Feedback really helps to break the cycle of plagiarism-consequence, plagiarism-consequence with your students. I absolutely loved seeing how TEACHING my students the tools they need to avoid…
Free-up more of your time this fall
Free-up your time & stress less during this year's back-to-school prep! Watch this quick video & learn how to save time with copying classes & make your fall set-up the most efficient one yet
Iowa student makes color changing sutures that detect infection
What an incredible, life changing invention!
An “I love presentations, but I hate grading them” solution
As a ELA & Speech teacher, I loved watching my students use real life skills in my class like giving live or virtual presentations. But, I often found watching the presentations, grading on a rubric,…
Feedback: Like Riding a Bicycle?
The start of the school year is like opening up the shed after a long winter to find your bike: you are excited about the adventure you have been planning,…
Talk About Feedback!
A familiar scene… When I taught middle school band, I used to assign a weekly playing test each week for every student in my band. Then, on Friday afternoons I would lock my office and listen to the…
Ungrading & Feedback Studio
What is Ungrading? Midway through his TED Talk Jay Percell asks his enthralled audience, “Are you a teacher, or are you a grader?”1 Most laugh, but it is an uneasy laughter in response to a question…